Az USA függetlenségi háborúja – könyvek

HOGG – BATCHELOR : Armies of the American Revolution (fülszöveg)


The American War of Independence was fought and won by men, muskets and bullets. Despite all the heroic feats of men like Washington, Lafayette, de Grasse, Rochambeau and Ethan Allen, despite all the desperate attempts of the great British commanders—Howe, Burgoyne, Cornwallis and Rodney—the American victory was achieved by American soldiers; the British defeat lost in the gallantry of British soldiery. Although much is known about the battles which created the American Republic, too little is known about the men and the weapons with which they fought. Ian V. Hogg, well known military author and former Master Gunner of the British Army, amusingly and knowledgeably describes the lives of the men at war; the history and construction of their rifles, muskets, cannon, small arms and swords; and how they were used in the Revolutionary War. Ably assisted by John H. Batchelor, whose extraordinary illustrations abound in this colorful volume, Armies of the American Revolution is a unique book which tells the real story of how the war was fought by the men in the field... the Redcoats and Continentals who took up arms two hundred years ago.


Hogg – Batchelor


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