Könyvek — Az USA függetlenségi háborúja
A Hadtörténeti Gyűjtemény könyveiből
- The American Heritage book of the Revolution
- Atlas of the American Revolution
- BISHOP, James A. : The birth of the United States
- BOATNER, Mark M. : Encyclopedia of the American Revolution
- BOATNER, Mark M. : Landmarks of the American Revolution
- BOBRICK, Benson : Angel in the whirlwind
- BOWLER, R. Arthur : Logistics and the failure of the British army in America
- BUCHANAN, John : The road to Valley Forge
- BUSCH, Noel F. : Winter quarters : George Washington and the Continental Army at Valley Forge
- CANFIELD, Cass : Samuel Adams's revolution
- CASEY, William J. : Where and how the war was fought
- CHIDSEY, Donald B. : The great separation
- CHIDSEY, Donald B. : July 4, 1776
- CHIDSEY, Donald B. : The siege of Boston
- CHIDSEY, Donald B. : Valley Forge
- CHIDSEY, Donald B. : The war in the South
- COUNTRYMAN, Edward : The American Revolution
- DAIGLER, Kenneth A. : Spies, patriots, and traitors : American intelligence in the Revolutionary War
- DAVIS, Burke : The campaign that won America
- DUPUY, R. Ernest – HAMMERMAN, Gay – HAYES, Grace P. : The American Revolution
- DUPUY, R. Ernest – DUPUY, Trevor N. : The compact history of the Revolutionary War
- ESZENYI László : Híven mindhalálig = Faithful unto death
- FAST, Howard : The crossing
- FERLING, John : Almost a miracle : the American victory in the War of Independence
- FERLING, John : Whirlwind : the American Revolution and the war that won it
- FLEMING, Thomas J. : Beat the last drum : the siege of Yorktown, 1781
- FLEMING, Thomas J. : 1776
- FLEXNER, James T. : George Washington in the American Revolution
- FURNEAUX, Rupert : The battle of Saratoga
- George Washington's opponents
- HIGGINBOTHAM, Don : The war of American independence
- HOGG, Ian V. – BATCHELOR, John H. : Armies of the American Revolution (*)
- KETCHUM, Richard M. : The winter soldiers
- LENGYEL, Cornel : I, Benedict Arnold
- MIDDLEKAUFF, Robert : The glorious case
- MIERS, Earl S. : Crossroads of freedom
- PALMER, Dave R. : The way of the fox
- PÓKA-PIVNY Aladár – ZACHAR József : Az amerikai függetlenségi háború magyar hőse
- The Revolution remembered
- RISCH, Erna : Supplying Washington's army
- ROYSTER, Charles : A revolutionary people at war
- SELBY, John : The road to Yorktown
- SHY, John : Toward Lexington
- SNOW, Dean R. : 1777
- STEMBER, Sol : The bicentennial guide to the American Revolution
- SZUHAY-HAVAS Ervin : Tizenhárom csillag
- TREVELYAN, George O. : The American Revolution
- TUCKER, Glenn : Mad Anthony Wayne and the new nation
- Who was who during the American Revolution
- WRIGHT, Robert K., Jr. – MacGREGOR, Morris J., Jr. : Soldier-statesmen of the Constitution
(*) A mű a Fegyverek, egyenruhák témakör polcán van [vissza]