Az USA függetlenségi háborúja – könyvek

DUPUY – HAMMERMAN – HAYES : The American Revolution (fülszöveg)


This startling new evaluation of the American Revolution reveals the international scope and the worldwide significance of the thirteen colonies' fight for independence. For the first time America's war against the British is removed from the parochial frame from which it is normally viewed and presented upon the global stage, where it correctly belongs.

The American Revolution was only one part of a titanic conflagration that came to involve most of the great powers of Europe. The war did indeed begin with the struggle of the thirteen colonies against the British crown, but by its end this was only one of many theaters of combat; larger forces of other nations were soon engaged in the ever-widening conflict. From the Caribbean to Africa, from Indonesia to India, the whole of civilization became part of a vast war that was more extensive than any other that had ever been experienced in the world.

The American Revolution analyzes and probes the land and naval engagements, the political and economic forces, and the diplomatic and social pressures that gave birth to the United States of America. Warships tangled on the oceans of the world. The Bourbon and Hapsburg dynasties were shaken to their foundations. France was shorn of a major part of her New World possessions. Spain, France, the Netherlands, and England, the four great predatory maritime nations of the time, collided and fought for the riches of the New World.


Dupuy – Hammerman – Hayes


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