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DUPUY – DUPUY : The compact history of the Revolutionary War (fülszöveg)


Combining in one volume an arresting introduction to and a professional analysis of the American Revolution, this book is without parallel for its breadth of story, wealth of detail, and authority of authorship.

The Compact History of the Revolutionary War is the devoted and mature work of two professional military officers who possess the historical acumen and the tactical experience both to summarize the Revolution from an overall perspective and to analyze the specific operations of its individual battles. Those looking for significance as well as the drama of this momentous conflict will find this volume the ideal guide.

The authors do not hesitate to draw original—and sometimes surprising—conclusions. Most significant of these, perhaps, is that which greatly enhances the military stature of General George Washington and ascribes to him the primary credit for the Revolution's success. And many other officers—Greene, Schuyler, Steuben, Lafayette, Benedict Arnold, Howe, Clinton, Cornwallis, Burgoyne are treated sympathetically yet always objectively. In addition to probing the strategics of these generals, the authors consider them as men and human beings, enabling the reader to understand their motivations and to grasp their very thoughts and emotions.

This book is the fifth in a series of compact military histories of the United States, its armed services and its wars. It follows The Compact History of the Civil War, by the present authors; The Compact History of the United States Army, New and Revised Edition, by Col. R. E. Dupuy; The Compact History of the United States Navy, by Fletcher Pratt; and The Compact History of the United States Marine Corps, by Lt. Col. Philip N. Pierce, U.S.M.C.R. A companion volume to the series is The Compact History of the American Red Cross, by Charles Hurd.


Dupuy – Dupuy


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