1030-11 Opening session
Presidential address (Árpád Berta, President of the Conference)
Written compliments:
Árpád Göncz, President of the Republic of Hungary, Chairperson for
Hungary's Millecentennarium Anniversary Commemorative Commission
Welcome addresses:
Péter Deme, Director of Office for Hungary's Millecentennarium Anniversary
Commemorative Commission
István Szalay, Mayor of Szeged
Opening lecture:
András Róna-Tas The migration and the landtaking of the Hungarians
1110-1300 Confessions (I) (Denis Sinor, Secretary General)
1330 Lunch
1500-1630 Confessions (II) (Denis Sinor, Secretary General)
1630-1650 Coffee break
1700-1800 Lectures
A (S. Grivelet, D. C. Wright)
Joshio Saito Graphic variation in word morphology in West Middle
Volker Rybatzki Einige Hilfsmittel zur Identifikation und Datierung
mittelmongolischer ziviler Dokumente
Hans Nugteren Preliminary remarks on the classification of the periferal
Mongolic languages
B (S. G. Kljashtornyj, B. Oruzbaj)
Bekbalak Korlan Pamjatniki pogrebal´no-pominal´nogo rituala kazahov
juzhnogo Kazahstana
Alibek Malayev Pazyryk. Method of ornament dechiphering
Emma Usmanova Zhenskij golovnoj ubor i ego semioticheskij status
v drevnih kul'turah Evrajzii
1900-2130 Reception held by István Lehmann, President of the General Assembly of Csongrád County (County Hall, Rákóczi tér)
900-940 Lectures
A (G. Stary, A. Molnár)
Han-Woo Choi Notes on some Altaic shamanistic terminologies
Alessandra Pozzi Manchu shamanism in a village of Jilin province
- present situation
B (Z. Korkmaz, N. Demir)
Ahmet B. Ercilasun Türk dilinde ek-ses iliskisi
Xénia Celnarová Religious ideas of Old Turks from the Ziya Gökalp's
point of view
940 - 1020 Lectures
A (J. Richard, F. Schmieder)
Katalin Kőhalmi Die Familie der Sonne in der tungusischen Mythologie
Ágnes Birtalan Lords of mountains and waters among the Oyirads in
B (A. B. Ercilasun, A. Bassarak)
Zeynep Korkmaz Batï dilleri ve Türkçenin grameri üzerindeki
Nurettin Demir Die Vergangenheitsform -(y)XK in anatolischen Dialekten
1030-1050 Coffee break
1050-1130 Lectures
A (I. Vásáry, K. Agyagási)
Ödön Schütz Scythia and Sarmathia in the 7th century Armenian
geography (Preliminary remarks to a new edition of the historico-geographical
István Zimonyi The concept of nomadic polity in the Hungarian chapter
of Constantine Porphyrogennitus
B (A. Sárközi, B. Dugarov)
Hans-Peter Vietze Uigur on computer
Steven Grivelet About some aspects of linguistic interference: the
1930's Mongolian attempt of latinization
1130-1210 Lectures
A (M. Stachowski, M. Vandamme)
Peter Zieme Alkoholische Getränke bei den alten Türken
Imre Baski Onomasticon Turcicum (Rásonyi's collection of Turkic
personal names and the method of its publication)
B (T. Nakami , Á. Birtalan)
David C. Wright The death of Chinggis Chan
Hok-lam Chan A recipe to Qubilai Qan on governance: the cases of
Chang Te-hui and Li Chih
1210-1250 Lectures
A (É. Csáki, H. Aydemir)
Fikret Türkmen Türk halk mizahïnda Ïran ve Arap menseli
źükrü Haluk Akalin Loan-words in Shor dialects
B (Y. Saito, H. Nugteren)
Junko Miyawaki The Khoyid chief Amursana in the fall of the Dzungars:
The importance of the Oyirad family trees discovered in Kazan
Ruth I. Meserve Western medical reports on Central Eurasia
1330 Lunch
1530 -1630 Lectures
A (A. Róna-Tas, É. Csató)
Erika Taube Warum ein Erzähler manchmal nicht erzählt?
Gyula Décsy The Chuvash problem as a macro-sociolinguistic puzzle
Klára Agyagási The theoretical possibilities of the chronological
interpretation of Cheremissian borrowings in Chuvash
B (H-P. Vietze, A.Malayev)
Tatsuo Nakami On newly found sources on the Mongol declaration
of independence in 1910's
Bayir Dugarov Epic "Abai Geser": tradition and modern
Nurilia Shakhanova Polovozrastnaja stratifikacija tradicionnogo
obshchestva kazakhov (The sex / age stratification of the Kazak traditional
1630-1650 Coffee break
1650-1750 Lectures
A (G. Doerfer, I. Baski)
Marti Roos Notes on the development of Yellow Uygur
Marek Stachowski Bemerkungen zu Zahlwörtern, Daten und Altersangaben
im Dolganischen und Jakutischen
Hakan Aydemir On the quality of the first-syllable rounded vowels
in the Turkic languages
B (A. van Tongerloo, É. Kincses Nagy)
Barbara Kellner-Heinkele Scholarship in the periphery: Crimean
Tatar and Nogay 'ulemý of the 18th century
Hiroki Odaka On the title of the Russian ruler in the Ottoman-Turkish
historical materials
Mária Ivanics Der neugefundene Altan Debter (Textkritische Bemerkungen
zum Çinggis-name)
1750-1850 Lectures
A (H. Okada, A. Pozzi)
Gisaburo N. Kiyose Fall of the palatal-velar harmony in Jurchen
to Manchu
William Rozycki Manchu MUJI 'barley' and its East Asian connections
L. M. Gorelova Manchu studies in Russia and employment of the European
grammatical apparatus for the Manchu language
B (J. Miyawaki, V. Rybatzki)
Alice Sárközi Is the judgement day really coming? Notes on Mongolian
apocaliptic literature
Jelena Dshambinowa Der weiße Hase im kalmückischen Heldenmärchen
Miklós Érdy Archaelogical insights into two controversial areas
of Eurasian Hun history
1930 Dinner
900-940 Lectures
A (G. N. Kiyose, W. Rozycki)
Roy Andrew Miller Korean lexical evidence for some Inner Asian
/ Eurasian contacts
Richard W. Howell /r/Z N THE HOOD
B (M. Ivanics, M. Shakurova)
Bibijna Oruzbaj K probleme kirgizsko-tureckih jazykovyh svjazah
T.N. Galiullin Tatarskaja poezija kak edinyj process (razvitie tradicionnyh
940-1020 Lectures
A (H-W. Choi, R. W. Howell)
V.M. Alpatov Americanization of Japanese and Japanization of
Andrej Malchukov On possessor ascension phenomena in Altaic languages
in a typological perspective
B (E. Tryjarski, N. Demir)
Osman Fikri Sertkaya Die runenschriftliche Tschojr Inschrift
Mihály Dobrovits Novaja datirovka Onginskogo pamjatnika
1030-1050 Coffee break
1050-1150 Lectures
A (R. A. Miller, K. Kőhalmi)
Hidehiro Okada Haslund's 'Toregut Rarelro'
Giovanni Stary Eine mandschurische Beschreibung der Ungarn und ihrer
Nachbarn aus dem 18. Jahrhundert
Hartmut Walravens Portraits from the campaigns of the Ch'ien-lung
emperor (with Chinese and Manchu eulogies)
B (Gy. Décsy, X. Celnarová)
Éva Csató The Karaim linguistic community in Lithuania
Karina Firkauviciute Liturgiegesang der Karaimen
János Sipos Similar musical structure in Turkish, Mongolian, Tungus
and Hungarian
1150-1230 Lectures
A (B. Kellner-Heinkele, M. Roos)
Gerhard Doerfer Çilger's self-criticism and the problem of ethnical
Éva Kincses Nagy Mongolian loan-words in Chagatay
B (P. Zieme, O. F. Sertkaya)
Michael R. Drompp Türks and Volsungs
Edward Tryjarski Unity and multiplicity of runic scripts, On account
of the attempt to isolate a South-Yenisei alphabet
1330 Lunch
1530-1630 Lectures
A (A. Róna-Tas, P. Zieme)
Alois van Tongerloo Buddhist personal names of (Buddhist) Indian
origin in the Manichaean Old Uighur documents
Tibor Porció On the Uygur and the Tibetan versions of Sitýtapatrýdhýran
Magdolna Tatár Early references to the Chuvash people
B (H-l. Chan, B. Korlan)
Babakumar Kinayatuli Veterinarnye znanija kazahov Mongolii
Abdukerim Rahman On the etimology of some place names in the Divanu
Lughat-it Turk
1630-1650 Coffee break
1650-1730 Lectures
A (T.N. Galiullin, N. Demir)
Armin Bassarak Zu einigen Kombinationsbeschränkungen türkischer
Mariann Zilahi Jazykovoe novovvedenieli v tatarskom jazyke?
B (V. M. Alpatov, A. Pozzi)
E. V. Boikova Expeditions of the Russian armed forces staff to
Mongolia (End of the XIX century)
Nicola di Cosmo A set of Manchu documents on early 19th century
relations between China and the Khanate of Kokand
1740-1900 Business Meeting (Árpád Berta)
1930 Dinner