JATE University Library Special Collections

Old and Rare Books The impressive reading room of old books
on the first floor stores a very valuable part of the University
Library. The coll ection consists of the following sections: 1/incunabula; 2/ 16th century books printed abroad; 3/ a Baroque
collection of 17th century foreign documents; 4/ books published
in, or relating to, Hungary up to 1711; 5/ 18-19th century books
published in, or relating to, Hungary.
Manuscripts. The major part of this collection is constituted
by bequests of famous professors of the University but there are
also such rare documents in it e.g. a 16th century illustrated
Arabian codex, or a medieval Aristotle manuscript.
Parliamentary Documents. The collection consists of Hungarian
parliamentary papers of the period between 1790 and 1848, and those
from 1867 up to present days.
Archivalia. This contains microfilm and xerox copies of pre-
1526 documents preserved in the National Archives.
Bulletins. This collection (one of the richest of its kind in
the country) contains school bulletins, from the year of foundation
of the institutions to nowadays, from the territory of the
historical Hungary.
Special Library for Medieval Studies. This small but very
special section with its handbooks, fact-books and documents serves
researchers of the following fields: Hungarian and European
medieval history, history of civilization, history of church and
historical geography.