A Melvyl
könyveiből : T–Z
1158. Taeusch, Carl Frederick, 1889-
The philosophy of history and its bearing on the war, an address ...
Washington, The Graduate School, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1942.
Series title: Graduate School, USDA War issues and postwar adjustment.
No. 2.
1159. Taiheiyo senso / Sanematsu Yuzuru hen. Tokyo : Misuzu Shobo, 1968-1975.
Series title: Gendaishi shiryo ; 34.
Series title: Gendaishi shiryo ; 35.
Series title: Gendaishi shiryo ; 36.
Series title: Gendaishi shiryo ; 38.
Series title: Gendaishi shiryo ; 39.
1160. Tanemura, Sako.
Daihon'ei kimitsu nisshi / Tanemura Sako cho. Tokyo : Fuyo Shobo,
Showa 54 [1979].
1161. Tashjean, John E.
Past in review, 1941-1991 / John E. Tashjean. Lanham, Md. : University
Press of America, c1992.
1162. Taylor, A. J. P. (Alan John Percivale), 1906-
How wars end / A.J.P. Taylor. London : H. Hamilton, 1985.
1163. Taylor, A. J. P. (Alan John Percivale), 1906-
The Second World War : an illustrated history / A. J. P. Taylor.
London : Hamish Hamilton, 1975.
1164. Taylor, A. J. P. (Alan John Percivale), 1906-
The Second World War : an illustrated history / A.J.P. Taylor.
Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1976.
1165. Taylor, Edmond, 1908-
The strategy of terror. 1942 rev. ed. Boston, Houghton Mifflin
company [1942].
1166. Taylor, Edmond, 1908-
The strategy of terror; Europe's inner front, by Edmond Taylor.
Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company [c1940].
1167. Taylor, Henry Junior, 1902-
Time runs out, by Henry J. Taylor. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran
& Co., Inc., 1942.
1168. Tays, George, 1900-1958.
Letters to the editor, San Francisco Chronicle, 1938-1946, by George
Tays. Berkeley, Calif., 1946.
Tays, George, 1900-1958.
War strategy and a second front. By George Tays. Berkeley, Calif.,
1 p. l., 20 numb. l. fold. map. 28 cm.
1170. Temple, William Abp. of Canterbury, 1881-1944.
Thoughts in war-time, by William Temple, archbishop of York. London,
Macmillan & co. ltd., 1940.
1171. Terlecki, Olgierd.
Najkrotsza historia drugiej wojny swiatowej. [Wyd. 1.]. Krakow,
Wydawn. Literackie [1972].
1172. Thibault, Pierre.
L'Age des dictatures, 1918-1947 .. Paris, Larousse, 1971.
Series title: Histoire universelle Larousse de poche.
Series title: Le Livre de poche, 2578.
1173. Thomas, Harry J.
The first lady of China; the historic wartime visit of Mme. Chiang
Kai-shek to the United States in 1943. [New York, International Business
Machines Corp., c1943].
1174. Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968.
What is our destiny. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Doran &
Company, Inc., 1944.
1175. Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961.
Our lives, fortunes & sacred honor / Dorothy Thompson. San Francisco :
Windsor Press, 1941.
1176. Thompson, Dorothy, 1894-1961.
Listen, Hans, by Dorothy Thompson. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company,
1177. Thompson, Laurence Victor, 1914-
1940, by Laurence Thompson. New York, Morrow [1966].
1178. Thompson, Laurence Victor, 1914-
1940: year of legend, year of history. London, Collins, 1966.
1179. Thompson, R. W. (Reginald William)
Churchill and the Montgomery myth [by] R. W. Thompson. New York, M.
Evans; distributed in association with Lippincott, Philadelphia [1968,
1180. Thorez, Maurice, 1900-1964.
Unirse, combatir, trabajar / Mauricio Thorez. Francia : Espana
Popular, 1945.
1181. Thorez, Maurice, 1900-1964.
Unirse, combatir, trabajar / Mauricio Thorez. Francia : Espana
Popular, 1945.
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 3, item
1182. Thorne, Charles Brassey.
St. George and the octopus,. [London] MaxLove publishing co. ltd.
1183. Ti erh tz'u shih chieh ta chan / Chung-kuo jen min chieh fang chun chun
shih hsueh yuan ; Huang Yu-chang ... ho chu. Ti 1 pan. Pei-ching : Shih
chieh chih shih ch'u pan she, 1984.
1184. Ti erh tz'u shih chieh ta chan shih / Chu Kuei-sheng ... [et al.] pien
chu. Ti 1 pan. Pei-ching : Jen min ch'u pan she : Hsin hua shu tien fa
hsing, 1982.
1185. Tilghman, R. Carmichael, 1904-
L.O.D.- Yes : an odyssey of the Army's 18th General Hospital / by R.
Carmichael Tilghman. [Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1948.].
1186. Times (London, England)
Europe under the Nazi scourge; a picture & an indictment. A reprint of
some recent articles in the Times on conditions in the countries of
Europe which have fallen under Nazi oppression /. London : The Times
Publishing Company, limited, 1940.
1187. Times (London, England)
Europe under the Nazi scourge; a picture & an indictment. A reprint of
some recent articles in the Times on conditions in the countries of
Europe which have fallen under Nazi oppression. London, Times Pub. Co.,
1188. Tippelskirch, Kurt von.
Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Bonn, Athenaum-Verlag, 1951.
1189. Tippelskirch, Kurt von.
Geschichte des zweiten Weltkriegs. Bonn, Anthenaum-Verlag, 1956,
1190. Tippelskirch, Kurt von.
Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs. [3. Aufl.]. Bonn, Athenaum-Verlag,
1959, [c1951].
1191. Tippelskirch, Kurt von.
Istoriia Vtoroi Mirovoi voiny / K. Tippel'skirkh. Sankt-Peterburg :
Poligon, 1994.
Series title: Voenno-istoricheskaia biblioteka (Saint Petersburg,
1192. Tokutomi, Iichiro, 1863-1957.
Kokoku hisshoron / Tokutomi Iichiro. Tokyo : Meiji Shoin, Showa 20
1193. Toland, John.
The last 100 days. New York, Random House [1966].
Tomlinson, Stanley T., 1903-
Oral history interview with Stanley T. Tomlinson ... and Constance M.
Tomlinson ... by Carlos Vasquez. oral history transcript 1988 /.
iii, 125 leaves, bound ; 28 cm.
Series title: California State Archives. 1020 "O" Street, Room 130,
Sacramento, CA 95814.
1195. Tomlinson, Stanley T., 1903-
Oral history interview with Stanley T. Tomlinson, California State
Assemblyman, 1949-1954 and Constance M. Tomlinson / By Carlos Vasquez.
1196. The tools of war: 1939-45; and a chronology of important events.
[Montreal] Reader's Digest Association (Canada) c1969.
1197. Toscano, Mario.
Pagine di storia diplomatica contemporanea. Milano, A. Giuffre, 1963-
Series title: Istituto di studi storico-politici. Universita di Roma.
Facolta di scienze politiche. Pubblicazioni Nuova serie.
1198. Total war and the peoples' peace; four addresses by American leaders,.
London [etc.] Oxford university press, 1942.
1199. Turkey. Disisleri Bakanligi. Arastirma ve Siyaset Planlama Genel
Ikinci Dunya Savasi yillari, 1939-1946 / T.C. Disisleri Bakanligi,
Arastirma ve Siyaset Planlama Genel Mudurlugu. [Ankara] : Genel
Mudurluk, [1973].
Series title: Its Turkiye dis politikasinda 50 i.e. elli yil ; [5.
1200. Turlejska, Maria.
Druga wojna swiatowa / Maria Turlejska. Wyd. 2., popr. i rozsz.
Warszawa : Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1968-
1201. Two notable addresses. Tucson, Ariz., University of Arizona, c1944.
Series title: General bulletin (University of Arizona) ; no. 8.
1202. Typewriter battalion : dramatic front-line dispatches from World War II /
edited by Jack Stenbuck ; introduction by Walter Cronkite. 1st ed. New
York : W. Morrow, c1995.
Underhill, James L., 1891-
Memoirs of Lieutenant General James L. Underhill : Carmel, California :
oral history transcript / of a tape-recorded interview conducted by Benis
M. Frank, 1968.
[10], 210 leaves ; 28 cm.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000.
1204. United States at war, 1941/42- Washington, Army and navy journal, inc.,
1205. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Problems of World War II and its aftermath. Washington : U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1976.
Series title: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign
Affairs Selected executive session hearings of the committee ; v. 1-2.
Series title: Historical series (United States. Congress. House.
Committee on Foreign Affairs)
1206. United States. Dept. of Justice.
Regulations controlling travel and other conduct of aliens of enemy
nationalities. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1942.
United States. National Housing Agency.
United States, National Housing Agency records, [1943-1945].
2 carton.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000.
1208. United States. Office of Facts and Figures.
The President's "map" speech audience; the answers to a series of
questions asked of a nation-wide cross section of 3,459 adult persons.
Interviewing period: Mar. 4-14, 1942, date of report: Mar. 30,...
[Washington, 1942?].
1209. United States. Office of Naval Intelligence.
ONI 222-US : United States naval vessels. Washington, D.C. : The
Office, 1945.
Series title: ONT 222-US.
United States. Office of Price Administration.
War ration books for the family of George P. Hammond, 1945?
6 items in 1 folder.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000.
1211. United States. Office of War Information. Book Bureau.
Book digest ... [by] Book Section, Office of War Information.
[Washington, 1942-43?].
1212. United States. President (1933-1945 : Roosevelt)
The national emergency. Address of the President of the United States
to the American people, May 27, 1941. The proclamation of the President
declaring a national emergency and a schedule of the acts of...
Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1941.
Series title: U.S. 77th Cong., 1st sess. Senate Doc. 64.
1213. United States. Tariff Commission.
The European war and United States imports. Washington, 1939.
1214. United States. War Dept.
This certificate is awarded to University of California for valuable
services rendered to the nation on work essential to the production of
the atomic bomb, thereby contributing materially to the... [Washington,
D.C.? : s.n., 1945].
1215. United States. War Dept. Bureau of Public Relations.
The background of our war, from lectures prepared by the Orientation
course, War Department, Bureau of Public Relations. New York, Toronto,
Farrar & Rinehart, Inc. [1942].
1216. United States. War Dept. General Staff.
Rapport du haut commandement americain [par] le general George C.
Marshall, l'amiral Ernest J. King, le general Henry H. Arnold. New York,
Overseas editions, inc. [1944?].
Series title: Overseas editions F-12.
1217. United States. War Dept. General Staff.
The world at war, 1939-1944, a brief history of world war II; materials
for the use of army orientation program, prepared from public sources by
Military intelligence division, War department. Washington, The Infantry
journal, 1945.
Series title: (On cover: Fighting forces series)
1218. United States. War Production Board. Construction Bureau. Housing Branch.
War housing manual : including war housing critical list and procedures
for processing applications. [Washington : GPO, 1942].
1219. Universidad del aire, Panama (Radio program)
Una nacion en guerra (ciclo de conferencias) Panama, R. de P.,
Universidad nacional, 1942.
Series title: Publicaciones (Panama. Ministerio de Educacion)
1220. University of California, Berkeley. Committee on international relations.
War and survival; lectures delivered under the auspices of the
Committee on international relations on the Berkeley campus of the
University of California, 1941. Berkeley, Los Angeles, University of
California press, 1941.
University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Governmental Studies.
Institute of Governmental Studies research materials, 1935-1944.
1 box.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000.
Untide Press.
Untide Press records, 1943-1954.
5 boxes.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000.
1223. U.S. Army Service Forces. Information and Education Division.
Why I fight : prize winning essays ... from the North African theater
of operations. [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1944].
[U.S. Army transport Leonard Wood leaves for Hawaiian Islands from San
Pedro, California. Hearst vault material, HVMc1341r3, 37311]. [1940].
1225. Van Paassen, Pierre, 1895-
The time is now! By Pierre Van Paassen. New York, The Dial Press,
1226. Van Phong.
Chien tranh the gioi lan thu hai va cuoc van dong giai phong dan toc
Viet Nam / Van Phong, Nguyen Kien Giang. Ha-noi : Su that, 1962.
1227. Van Sinderen, Adrian, 1887-1963.
Four years, a chronicle of the war by months, by Adrian Van Sinderen.
New York, Priv. print. [The Printing-office of the Yale University Press]
1228. Van Sinderen, Adrian, 1887-1963.
Four years, a chronicle of the war by months, by Adrian Van Sinderen.
New York, The Printing-office of the Yale university press, distributed
by Coward-McCann, inc., 1944.
1229. Vazquez-Gomez, Adolfo.
La guerra internacional : la mentira democratica y la Republica
Espanola / Adolfo Vazquez-Gomez. Montevideo : C. Garcia, 1939.
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 3, item
1230. Vazquez-Gomez, Adolfo.
La guerra internacional, la mentira democratica y la Republica
Espanola; conferencia leida en el Circulo Republicano Espanol.
Montevideo, C. Garcia & Cia., 1939.
1231. Veillon, Dominique.
Le 8 mai 1945 / par Dominique Veillon, Michele Rodiere ; presentation
par Marc Ferro. [Paris] : La Documentation francaise, 1985.
Series title: Collection "Les Medias et l'evenement.".
1232. Velikaia Otechestvennaia voina. [1941-1945]. Kratkii nauch.-popul.
ocherk. [Pod obshch. red. chl.-kor. AN SSSR gen-leit. P. A. Zhilina].
Moskva, Politizdat, 1970.
1233. Velikaia Otechestvennaia voina, 1941-1945 : sobytiia, liudi, dokumenty :
kratkii istoricheskii spravochnik / [pod obshchei redaktsiei O.A.
Rzheshevskogo ; sostavitel' E.K. Zhigunov ; kollektiv avtorov... Moskva
: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1990.
1234. Vercors, 1902-
Le sable du temps. Paris, Emile-Paul freres [1946].
1235. Vergara Blanco, Gerardo.
Crisis de la neutralidad; memoria de prueba para optar al grado de
licenciado en la Facultad de ciencias juridicas y sociales de la
Universidad de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta "El Esfuerzo," 1943.
1236. Vergara Robles, Enrique, 1879-
Panamerica en la orbita universal; prologo del doctor Ricardo Montaner
Bello ... Santiago de Chile, Imprenta universitaria, 1945.
1237. Verni, Vicente.
Twenty war fronts, a Latin vision of World War II. Pref. by Ezequiel
Padilla. Translated from Spanish by Enrique A. Lorenzo and Roberto
Betancourt Arce. Mexico City ["Talleres Graficos de la Nacion"] 1945.
Victory over Germany / Castle Films. [ca. 1945].
Series title: News parade series.
1239. Vidalenc, Jean.
Le second conflit mondial, mai 1939-mai 1945. Paris, Societe d'edition
d'enseignement superieur, 1970.
Series title: Regards sur l'histoire, 10. II: Histoire generale, 2.
1240. Vinuesa, Javier.
Enganosas analogias, 1918-1943. [Spain? : s.n., 1943?].
1241. Vinuesa, Javier.
Enganosas analogias, 1918-1943. [Spain? : s.n., 1943?].
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 3, item 92.
1242. Vnezapnost' v nastupatel'nykh operatsiiakh Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny /
otvetstvennyi redaktor M.M. Kir'ian. Moskva : "Nauka", 1986.
1243. Voprosy istorii i istoriografii Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny :
mezhvuzovskii sbornik / Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsial'nogo
obrazovaniia RSFSR ; pod red. I. A. Rosenko, G. L. Soboleva. Nauch. izd.
Leningrad : Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1989.
1244. Vseslavianskii miting (2nd : 1942 : Moscow, R.S.F.S.R.)
Vtoroi Vseslavianskii miting v Moskve, 4-5 aprelia 1942 goda.
Washington D. C. [1942].
Series title: Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
Washinngton D.C. Spetsial'nyi vypusk, 21 aprelia 1943.
1245. Vseslavianskii miting (2nd : 1942 : Moscow, R.S.F.S.R.)
Vtoroi Vseslavianskii miting v Moskve, 4 aprelia 1942 goda. Moskva,
Izd. Akademii nauk Soiuza SSR., 1942.
1246. Vtoraia Mirovaia voina, 1939-1945 : kratkii voenno-istoricheskii ocherk :
al'bom skhem / pod obshchei red. Platonova S. P., Pavlenko, N. G. i
Parot'kina, I. V. Moskva : Voen. izd-vo, 1958.
Series title: Biblioteka ofitsera.
1247. Vtoraia mirovaia voina i sovremennost'. [Sbornik statei. Red. kollegiia:
chl.-kor. AN SSSR P. A. Zhilin (otv. red.) i dr.]. Moskva, "Nauka,"
1248. Vtoraia mirovaia voina : itogi i uroki / [redaktsiia toma S.A.
Tiushkevich (redaktor toma) ... et al.]. Moskva : Voen. izd-vo, 1985.
1249. Vtoraia Mirovaia voina : kratkaia istoriia / mezhdunarodnaia
redaktsionnaia kollegiia P.A. Zhilin ... [et al. ; avtorskii kollektiv D.
Aikhkhol'ts ... et al.]. Moskva : Izd-vo "Nauka", 1984.
1250. Waelbroeck, Pierre, 1891-
Labour supply and national defence. Montreal, 1941.
Series title: International labor office. Studies and reports, series
C (Employment and unemployment) no.23.
1251. Wallace, Henry Agard, 1888-1965.
The price of free world victory, by Henry A. Wallace ... with some
comments by Raymond Clapper, Major G. F. Eliot, Dr. Francis E. McMahon
[and others]. New York, L. B. Fischer [1942].
1252. Wallace, Henry Agard, 1888-1965.
Despues de la guerra debe comenzar el siglo del hombre del pueblo.
Mexico, D.F., Universidad obrera [1942].
1253. Wallace, Henry Agard, 1888-1965.
The price of free world victory, by Henry A. Wallace ... [Washington,
U.S. Gov't Print. Off., 1942].
1254. Waller, Willard Walter.
War in the twentieth century, edited by Willard Waller. New York, The
Dryden Press [c1940].
1255. War and peace. Chicago : s.n., 1941.
[War Council held in Paris, France. Hearst vault material, HVMc1173r6,
D2123B]. [1939-12-19].
1257. War Documentation Service.
Notes on war documentation and research activities, prepared by the war
documentation service ... [Philadelphia] 1940.
1258. War law chronology, 1931-1944 ... Chicago, Commerce Clearing House,
1259. The War of 1939. A history dealing with every phase of the war on land,
sea, and in the air, including the events which led up to the outbreak of
hostilities. London, The Caxton pub. co. [1940-
1260. The War reports of General of the Army George C. Marshall, Chief of
Staff, General of the Army H. H. Arnold, Commanding General, Army Air
Forces [and] Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, Commander-in-Chief,... [1st
ed.]. Philadelphia, Lippincott [1947].
1261. Warburg, James Paul, 1896-
Our war and our peace. New York, Toronto, Farrar & Rinehart, inc.
1262. Warlimont, Walter, 1894-
Im Hauptquartier der deutschen Wehrmacht, 39-45: Grundlagen, Formen,
Gestalten / Walter Warlimont. 3. auflage. Munchen : Bernard & Graefe
Verlag, 1978.
1263. Warlimont, Walter, 1895-
Im Hauptquartier der deutschen Wehrmacht, 1939-1945; Grundlagen,
Formen, Gestalten. Frankfurt am Main, Bernard & Graefe, 1962.
1264. Warlimont, Walter, 1895-
Inside Hitler's headquarters, 1939-45 / Walter Warlimont ; translated
from the German by R. H. Barry. New York : F. A. Praeger [c1964].
1265. Warlimont, Walter, 1895-
Inside Hitler's headquarters, 1939-45. Translated from the German by
R.H. Barry. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson [1964].
1266. Warner, Philip.
World War II : the untold story / Philip Warner. London : Bodley Head,
1267. A Wartime report on taxicab transportation / [prepared by Cab Research
Bureau, Inc. and National Association of Taxicab Owners]. [Cleveland,
Ohio : Cab Research Bureau, Inc. : National Association of Taxicab
Owners, 1944?].
1268. Waters, Laughlin E.
Oral history interview with Laughlin E. Waters / By Carlos Vasquez.
1269. Weaver, Denis, 1906-
Front page Europe [by] Denis Weaver. London, The Cresset press, 1943.
1270. Weber, Richard.
Der Weltkrieg und der grossdeutsche Freiheitskampf; Geschichte.
Begleittext zu den Kriegsgeschichtlichen Kartenskizzen. Frankfurt-Main,
Ravenstein, 1944.
Series title: Unterrichtswerk fur Heeresschulen.
1271. Wedemeyer, Albert C. (Albert Coady), 1896-
Wedemeyer reports!. [1st ed.]. New York, Holt [1958].
1272. Weinberg, Gerhard L.
A world at arms : a global history of World War II / Gerhard L.
Weinberg. Cambridge [Eng.] ; New York : Cambridge University Press,
1273. Weintraub, Stanley, 1929-
The last great victory : the end of World War II, July/August 1945 /
Stanley Weintraub. New York : Truman Talley Books/Dutton, c1995.
1274. Weintraub, Stanley, 1929-
Long day's journey into war : December 7, 1941 / Stanley Weintraub.
New York : Dutton, c1991.
1275. Weintraub, Stanley, 1929-
Long day's journey into war : December 7, 1941 / Stanley Weintraub.
New York, N.Y. : Plume, c1991 (1992 printing).
1276. Weiss, Wilhelm, 1892-
Triumph der Kriegskunst; das Kriegsjahr 1940 in der Darstellung des
"Volkischen Beobachters." Mit Beitragen von Generalfeldmarschall
Kesselring, Reichsminister dr. Todt, Reichsarbeitsfuhrer Hierl [u.a.]...
Munchen, F. Eher nachf., 1941.
1277. Welles, Sumner, 1892-
The world of the four freedoms, by Sumner Welles, with a foreword by
Nicholas Murray Butler. New York, Columbia University Press, 1943.
1278. Welles, Sumner, 1892-
The world of the four freedoms, by the Honorable Sumner Welles ... with
a foreword by Nicholas Murray Butler. London, New York [etc.] Hutchinson
& Co. ltd. [1944].
1279. Wells, Linton, 1893-
Salute to valor; heroes of the united nations. Freeport, N.Y., Books
for Libraries Press [1972].
Series title: Essay index reprint series.
1280. Weyr, Thomas.
World War II. New York, J. Messner [1969].
1281. Wheatley, Dennis, 1897-
Stranger than fiction. With an introd. by Lawrance Darvall. London,
Arrow Books, 1965.
1282. Wheeler, Harold, 1877-
The people's history of the Second World War / by Harold Wheeler.
London : Oldham's Press, [1941-
1283. Wheeler-Nicholson, Malcolm, 1890-
Are we winning the hard way? [By] Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson. New
York, Thomas Y. Crowell company [1943].
1284. Whitaker, John Thompson, 1906-
We cannot escape history, by John T. Whitaker. New York, The Macmillan
Company, 1943.
White, Harvey Elliott, 1902-
Harvey Elliot White autobiography : typescript.
83 l. ; 28cm.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000.
1286. White, Osmar.
Green armour, by Osmar White. Sydney, London, Angus and Robertson ltd,
1287. White, Theodore Harold, 1915-
Theodore H. White at large : the best of his magazine writing,
1939-1986 / edited and with an introduction by Edward T. Thompson. 1st
ed. New York, NY : Pantheon Books, c1992.
1288. White, Theodore Harold, 1915-
Theodore White at large : the best of his magazine writing, 1939-1986 /
edited and with an introduction by Edward T. Thompson. 1st ed. New
York, NY : Pantheon Books, c1992.
1289. Whiteleather, Melvin Kerr, 1903-
Main street's new neighbors [by] Melvin K. Whiteleater. [1st ed].
Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott [c1945].
1290. Wichers, W.
Met Bijbel en zwaard tegen de barbaren. [s.n., 194-].
1291. Wickman, Johannes, 1882-
Europeisk tragedi; studier i ett kvartsekkels utrikespolitik 1914-1939.
Stockholm, Natur och kultur [1939].
1292. Wilkins, Ernest Hatch, 1880-1966.
From peace to war, by Ernest Hatch Wilkins. Oberlin, O., The Oberlin
printing company, 1942.
1293. Williams, Wythe, 1881-
Secret sources; the story behind some famous scoops. Chicago, New
York, Ziff-Davis Publishing Company [1943].
1294. Willis, F. Roy (Frank Roy), 1930-
Europe in the global age, 1939 to the present [by] F. Roy Willis. New
York, Dodd, Mead, 1968.
1295. Willmott, H. P.
The great crusade : a new complete history of the Second World War /
H.P. Willmott. 1st American ed. New York : Free Press, 1990, c1989.
1296. Willmott, H. P. (Hedley Paul), 1945-
The great crusade : a new complete history of the Second World War / H.
P. Willmott. London : Joseph, 1989.
1297. Wilmot, Chester.
The struggle for Europe. New York, Harper 1952 .
1298. Wilmot, Chester.
The struggle for Europe. London, Collins, [1954,1952].
1299. Wilson, Minter Lowther.
Patriot truth / by Minter L. Wilson. Boston : Christopher Pub. House,
1300. Wilson, Theodore A., 1940-
WW2 : readings on critical issues / edited by Theodore A. Wilson. New
York : Scribner, [1974].
1301. Windrow, Martin.
The World War II GI / [by] Martin Windrow ; illustrated by Kevin Lyles.
London ; New York : F. Watts, 1986.
Series title: The Soldier through the ages.
1302. Wintringham, Thomas Henry, 1898-1949.
New ways of war,. Second printing. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Eng.,
New York, Penguin books [1940].
Series title: (Penguin special S75)
1303. Wintringham, Thomas Henry, 1898-1949.
New ways of war, by Tom Wintringham. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Eng.,
New York, Penguin Books [1940].
1304. Wintringham, Thomas Henry, 1898-1949.
The politics of victory, by Tom Wintringham. London, G. Routledge
1305. Wirsing, Giselher, 1907-
Der Krieg 1939/40 [i.e. neunzehnhundertneununddreissig/vierzig] in
Karten. In Verbindung mit Albrecht Haushofer [et. al.] hrsg. von Giselher
Wirsing. Munchen, Knorr & Hirth, [1940].
1306. Wirsing, Giselher, 1907-
The war in maps, 1939/40 edited by Giselher Wirsing, in collaboration
with Albrecht Haushofer, Wolfgang Hopker, Horst Michael [and] Ulrich
Link. New York, German Library of Information, 1941.
Women workers in World War II : oral history transcripts of tape recorded
interviews conducted by students in History 103D. University of
California, Berkeley in May, 1979 : and related material, 1979.
Transcript : 6 folders in 1 box + related material.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000.
The Words & music of World War II. New York, N.Y. : Columbia Legacy,
2 sound discs (2 hr., 15 min.) : digital, mono. ; 4 3/4 in. + program
notes (1 v. (unpaged) : ill. ; 12 cm.)
Words that shook the world. New York : WOR Recording Division [195-].
5 sound discs : 78 rpm, mono. ; 12 in.
The World at war / [a production of] Thames Television in cooperation
with the Imperial War Museum. [S.l.] : Thorn EMI Video, c1980-[1984?].
26 videocassettes (ca. 52 min. each) : sd., col., b&w ; 1/2 in.
The World at war / Thames colour production, in cooperation with the
Imperial War Museum. New York, NY : Thorn EMI Video : Thames Video,
26 videocassettes (VHS) (52 min. each) : sd., col., b&w ; 1/2 in.
Series title: Special collectors series.
The World at war / Thames Television ; produced by Jeremy Isaacs. London
: Thames Television ; New York : HBO Home Video ; [s.l.] : THORN EMI
Video [distributor], c1980-1982.
26 videocassettes (52 min. ea.) : sd., b & w, col. ; 1/2 in.
World War II. [New York] : American Heritage ; [Westport, CT] :
Distributed by Westport Media, [1984?],c1972.
1 videocassette (VHS) (80 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. + 1 teacher's
Series title: American heritage media collection.
1314. World War II : a 50th anniversary history / by the writers and
photographers of the Associated Press ; foreword by Harrison Salisbury.
1st ed. New York : Holt, c1989.
1315. World War II : crucible of the contemporary world : commentary and
readings / [compiled by] Loyd E. Lee. Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c1991.
1316. World War II information fact sheets. Washington, D.C. : Dept. of
Defense, 50th Anniversary of World War II Commemoration Committee,
World War II : the propaganda battle / [created and developed by the
Corporation for Entertainment and Learning, Inc. and Bill Moyers].
Washington, D.C. : PBS Video, 1984.
1 videocassette (58 min.) : sd., col. ; 3/4 in.
Series title: A Walk through the 20th century with Bill Moyers.
World War II : the propaganda battle / Corporation for Entertainment and
Learning. Alexandria, VA : PBS Video, 1984.
1 videocassette (VHS) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.
Series title: Walk through the 20th century with Bill Moyers
(Television program) ; episode 9.
1319. Worm-Muller, Jacob Stenersen, 1884-
Til Norge, taler og artikler gjennom krigsarene, 1939-1945. Oslo, H.
Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard) 1946.
1320. Wright, Gordon, 1912-
The ordeal of total war, 1939-1945. New York, Harper & Row [1968].
Series title: The Rise of modern Europe.
Series title: Harper torchbooks, TB1408.
1321. Wright, Gordon, 1912-
The ordeal of total war, 1939-1945. [1st ed.]. New York, Harper & Row
Series title: The Rise of modern Europe.
1322. Wrightson, James R., 1921-
Oral history interview with James R. Wrightson / By Carlos Vasquez.
1323. Wrinch, Pamela N.
The military strategy of Winston Churchill. [Boston] Dept. of
Government, Boston University [1961].
Series title: Boston University studies in political science, no. 5.
1324. Writer's congress (1943 : University of California at Los Angeles)
Writer's congress; the proceedings of the conference held in October
1943 under the sponsorship of the Hollywood writers' mobilization and the
University of California. Published in cooperation with the... Berkeley,
Los Angeles, University of California press, 1944.
1325. Writers' congress, University of California at Los Angeles, 1943.
Writers' congress; the proceedings of the conference held in October
1943 under the sponsorship of the Hollywood writers' mobilization and the
University of California. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of
California press, 1944.
1326. WW II : Time-Life Books history of the Second World War. 1st ed. New
York : Prentice Hall Press, c1989.
1327. Wykes, Alan.
1942 -- the turning point. London, Macdonald and Co., 1972.
1328. Yanagida, Kunio, 1936-
Mariko = Mariko / Yanagida Kunio. Tokyo : Shinchosha, 1980.
1329. Young, Peter.
World War, 1939-45: a short history. London, Barker [1966].
1330. Young, Peter.
World War II / Brigadier Peter Young. London : Hamlyn, ; 1980.
1331. Young, Peter, 1915-
A short history of World War II, 1939-45 / Peter Young. New York :
Crowell, 1968, c1966.
Series title: Apollo Editions ; A-181.
1332. Young, Peter, 1915-
World War, 1939-45; a short history. New York, Crowell [1966].
1333. Zbornik uvah a osobnych spomienok o Slovenskom narodnom povstani /
redigovali Martin Kvetko, Miroslav Jan Licko. [Toronto, Ont.] : Stala
konferencia slovenskych demokratickych exulantov, 1976.
1334. Zentner, Kurt.
Illustrierte Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkrieges. [Mitarbeiter: Gerd
Schreiber]. 8 Aufl. Munchen, Sudwest Verlag 1973, c1963.
1335. Zentner, Kurt.
Illustrierte Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs. (Mitarbeiter: Gerd
Schreiber. 2, durchgesehene Aufl.) Munchen, Sudwest Verlag, [1964].
1336. Zentner, Kurt.
Illustrierte Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs / Kurt Zentner. 6.,
durchgesehene Aufl. Munchen ; Sudwest Verlag, 1965, c1963.
1337. Zenzinov, V. (Vladimir), 1880-1953.
Vstrecha s Rossiei; kak i chem zhivut v sovetskom soiuze; pis'ma v
Krasnuiu Armiiu, 1939-1940. N'iu-Iork, 1944.
1338. Zero hour; a summons to the free, by Stephen Vincent Benet, Erika Mann,
McGeorge Bundy [and others] ... New York, Toronto, Farrar & Rinehart,
Inc. [c1940].
1339. Zhivkov, Todor.
Trideset godini ot pobedata nad fashizma : doklad, rechi, privetstviia
/ Todor Zhivkov. Sofiia : Partizdat, 1975.
1340. Ziemke, Earl Frederick, 1922-
The U.S. Army in the occupation of Germany, 1944-1946 / by Earl F.
Ziemke. Washington : Center of Military History, United States Army :
for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1975.
Series title: United States Army historical series.
1341. Ziff, William Bernard, 1898-1953.
The coming battle of Germany [by] William B. Ziff, with an introduction
by Brigadier General William E. Gilmore (retired) New York, Duell, Sloan
and Pearce [1942].
1342. Zischka, Anton, 1904-
Erfinder brechen die Blockade : Kampfe und Siege der inneren Front /
Anton Zischka. Berlin : Zentralverlag der NSDAP, F. Eher, 1940.
Series title: Schriftenreihe der NSDAP. Gruppe II, Deutsche Arbeit ;
Bd. 1.
1343. Der Zweite Weltkrieg, 1939-1945 : kurze Geschichte / [Autorenkollektiv,
N.G. Andronikow ... et al. ; internationales Redaktionskollegium, P.A.
Shilin ... et. al. ; Redaktion, A.S Sawin ... et al. ;... 3. Aufl.
Berlin : Dietz, 1988, c1985.
1344. Der Zweite Weltkrieg : Analysen, Grundzuge, Forschungsbilanz / im Auftrag
des Militargeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes herausgegeben von Wolfgang
Michalka. Munchen : Piper, 1989.
Series title: Serie Piper ; Bd. 811.
1345. Velke finale : kapitoly ze zakulisi konce druhe svetove valky v Evrope /
[kolektiv autoru literatury faktu]. Vyd. 1. Beroun : Baroko & Fox,
1346. Overy, R. J.
Why the allies won / Richard Overy. 1st American ed. New York : W.W.
Norton, 1996.
1347. Foulon, Charles-Louis, 1948-
Victoire a l'ouest, 1944-1945 : la fin de l'Europe nazie, la Liberation
de la France / Charles-Louis Foulon ; preface d'Alfred Grosser. Rennes :
Editions Ouest-France, c1993.
News of the day. [Vol. 10, no. 299--excerpt]. Europe in shadow of
war!--France!. United States : A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer release,
Series title: The front page.
News of the day. [Vol. 10, no. 299--excerpt]. Europe in shadow of
war!--Germany!. United States : A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer release,
Series title: The front page.
1350. Ready, J. Lee, 1947-
World War Two : nation by nation / J. Lee Ready. London : Arms and
Armour ; New York, NY : Distributed in the USA by Sterling Pub. Co.,
1351. Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965.
The hinge of fate. 2d ed. London, Cassell [1951].
Series title: Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965 Second World War, v.
1352. Stone, William Treadwell, 1899-
America's choice today,. New York, N.Y., Foreign policy association
1353. Calvocoressi, Peter.
Total war : the causes and courses of the Second World War / Peter
Calvocoressi, Guy Wint, and John Pritchard. Rev. ed. Harmondsworth,
Middlesex : Penguin, 1995.
1354. Swing, Raymond, 1887-1968.
Watchman, what of the night? <1918 versus 1945> / An excerpt from a
broadcast by Raymond Gram Swing. San Francisco : Grabhorn Press, 1945.
1355. Newsweek.
Global war, 1939-1943; four years of world conflict. [New York,
Johnson, Lester A.
Lester A. Johnson Collection, 1918-1961.
1 manuscript box.
Not resticted. Please credit California State Library.
Series title: Calif. State Library, Calif. Section, 914 Capitol Mall,
Sacramento 95814.
1357. Die Welt im Krieg, 1941-1943 / Horst Boog ... [et al.]. Durchgesehene
Ausg. Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, 1992, c1990.
Series title: Geschichte Fischer.
Series title: Die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus.
Series title: Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg ; Bd. 6.
1358. Komuro, Naoki, 1932-
Fuin no Showa shi : "sengo gojunen" jigyaku no shuen / Komuro Naoki,
Watanabe Shoichi. Tokyo : Tokuma Shoten, 1995.
1359. Pogue, Forrest C.
The Supreme Command / by Forrest C. Pogue. Washington, D.C. : Center
of Military History, U.S. Army : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.
G.P.O., 1996.
Series title: CMH pub ; 7-1.
Series title: United States Army in World War II. European theater of
1360. Moskin, J. Robert.
Mr. Truman's war : the final victories of World War II and the birth of
the postwar world / J. Robert Moskin. 1st ed. New York : Random House,
1361. Javadekara, Sankara Dattatraya, 1894-1955.
Mahayuddha ani Rashtrasabha / Sa. Da. Javadekara. Pune : Citrasala
Presa, 1945.
Series title: Maharashtra Kongresa prakasana ; 5.
Series title: SAMP early 20th-century Indian books project ; item
1362. Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965.
Der zweite Weltkrieg / Winston S. Churchill. 1st deutsche Aufl.
Stuttgart ; Hamburg : Scherz & Goverts, 1949-1954.
1363. Moskin, J. Robert.
Mr. Truman's war : the final victories of World War II and the birth of
the postwar world / J. Robert Moskin. New York : Random House, c1996.
1364. Chu, Kuei-sheng.
Ti erh tz'u shih chieh ta chan shih / Chu Kuei-sheng teng chu. Ch'u
pan. T'ai-pei shih : Lien ching ch'u pan shih yeh kung ssu, min kuo 84
1365. Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953.
Hoktemberyan sots'ialistakan Mets Revolyuts'iayi 24-rd taredardze / I.
V. Stalin. Bak'u : Azerneshr, 1941.
1366. Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953.
Hoktemberyan sots'ialistakan Mets Revoluts'iayi 26-rd taredardze / I.V.
Stalin. Erevan : Haypethrat, 1943.
1367. Amerikahay Harajdimakan Miut'iwn.
Inch'u hamar ke krwink' menk' hayers : ays harts'umin ke pataskhanen
nakhagah Ruzvelt' (ew aylk'). Niw Eork' : Amerikahay Harajdimakan
Miut'iwn, 1942.
Series title: Harajdimakan matenashar ; 8.
1368. Karsai, Elek.
A berchtesgadeni sasfeszektol a berlini bunkerig : fejezetek a masodik
vilaghaboru tortenetebo"l / Karsai Elek. Budapest : Tancsics Konykiado,
1369. Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953.
Hoktemberyan sots'ialistakan mets revoluts'iayi 27-rd taredardze / I.V.
Stalin. Moskva : Pashtpanut'yan Zhoghovrdakan Komisariati Razmakan
Hratarakch'ut'yun, 1944.
1370. Gaulle, Charles de, 1890-1970.
Ma'avak leherut / [me'et] Charles de Gaulle ; Mitsarfatit : 'Eliyahu
Maytos ; Be'arikhat 'Aharon 'Amir. Tel-'Aviv : Hotsa'at 'am hasefer,