A Melvyl könyveiből : R–S

972. MAP
     Rand McNally and Company.
       World War II : the height of Axis expansion 1942 / series editor and map
     editor, R.R. Palmer.  Chicago : Rand McNally, c1963.
       Series title:  Rand McNally world history series ; PH 81.

973. Randall, Lewis Valentine, 1893-
       Bridgehead to victory;.  Garden City,New York Doubleday, Doran and
     company, inc., 1943.

974. Ranki, Gyorgy, 1930-
       A masodik vilaghaboru tortenete.  Budapest, Gondolat, 1973.

975. Ranki, Gyorgy, 1930-
       A masodik vilaghaboru tortenete / Ranki Gyorgy.  3. kiad.  Budapest :
     Gondolat, 1982, c1973.

976. Rapport du haut commandement americain.  New York, Overseas Editions

977. Rauh, Manfred.
       Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs / von Manfred Rauh.  Berlin : Duncker
     & Humblot, c1991-

978. Rauschning, Hermann, 1887-
       The beast from the abyss, by Herman Rauschning. Translated by E. W.
     Dickes.  London, W. Heinemann [1941].

979. Rauschning, Hermann, 1887-
       The redemption of democracy, the coming Atlantic empire.  New York,
     Alliance Book Corporation [c1941].

980. Rawski, Tadeusz.
       Politycy i wojskowi : szkice z dziejow drugiej wojny swiatowej / Tadeusz
     Rawski.  Wyd. 1.  Warszawa : Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1982.

981. The Reach for empire / by the editors of Time-Life Books.  Alexandria, Va.
     : Time-Life Books, c1989.
       Series title:  The Third Reich.

982. Ready, J. Lee, 1947-
       Forgotten Allies : the military contribution of the colonies, exiled
     governments, and lesser powers to the Allied victory in World War II / by
     J. Lee Ready.  Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c1985.

     Red Star : the Soviet Union, 1941-1943.  New York, N.Y. : HBO Video ;
     London : Thames Television, [1980?].
       1 videocassette (52 min.) : sd., col. with b&w sequences ; 1/2 in.
       Series title:  World at war 11.

984. Rees, Thomas M., 1925-
       Oral history interview with Thomas M. Rees / By Carlos Vasquez.  1987.

     Rees, Thomas M., 1925-
       Oral history interview with Thomas M. Rees ... by Carlos Vasquez. oral
     history transcript 1987 /.  [1988?].
       ii, 388 leaves, bound ; 28 cm.
       Series title:  California State Archives. 1020 "O" Street, Room 130,
     Sacramento, CA 95814.

986. Reit, Seymour.
       Masquerade : the amazing camouflage deceptions of World War II / Seymour
     Reit.  New York : Hawthorn Books, c1978.

     Remember / Thames colour production.  New York, N.Y. : HBO Video ; London
     : Thames Television, [1980?].
       1 videocassette (52 min.) : sd., col. with b&w sequences ; 1/2 in.
       Series title:  World at war 26.

988. Remembrance, sorrow and reconciliation : speeches and declarations in
     connection with the 40th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in
     Europe.  Bonn : Press and Information Office of the Government of the
     Federal Republic of Germany, [1985?].

989. Remy, 1904-
       "Chronique d'une guerre perdue" / Remy.  Paris : France-Empire,

990. Remy, 1904-
       Chronique d'une guerre perdue / Remy [i.e. G. Renault-Roulier].  Paris :
     France-Empire, c1979-

991. Rendulic, Lothar.
       Soldat in sturzenden Reichen.  [Mit 5 Karten-Skizzen und 2 Bildern]
     Muchen, Damm [1965].

992. Repolles, Jose, 1914-
       La Segunda Guerra Mundial.  Barcelona, De Gasso Hnos [1968, c1967].
       Series title:  Enciclopedias De Gasso.

993. Review of the foreign press, 1939-1945 / Royal Institute of International
     Affairs.  Munchen : Kraus International Publications, 1980.

     Reynolds, Wallace B.
       Wallace B. Reynolds papers, [ca. 1931-1968].
       1 portfolio, 1 oversize folder and 2 scrapbooks.
       Series title:  The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
     CA 94720-6000.

995. Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 1893-1946.
       Discurso del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores del Reich, von Ribbentrop :
     pronunciado el II de diciembre de 1943 con motivo del 2.o aniversario de
     la alianza militar del eje.  [S.l. : s.n., 1943?].

996. Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 1893-1946.
       Discurso del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores del Reich, von Ribbentrop :
     pronunciado el II de diciembre de 1943 con motivo del 2.o aniversario de
     la alianza militar del eje.  [S.l. : s.n., 1943?].
       Series title:  Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 3, item 124.

997. Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 1893-1946.
       Discurso sobre la lucha liberadora de Europa, pronunciado por el
     Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores del Reich von Ribbentrop, en Berlin, el dia
     26 de noviembre de 1941.  [n. p., 194-].

998. Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 1893-1946.
       Discurso sobre la lucha liberadora de Europa / pronunciado por el
     Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores del Reich von Ribbentrop, en Berlin, el dia
     26 de noviembre de 1941.  [S.l. : s.n., 194-].
       Series title:  Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 3, item 103.

999. Richard, Guy, 1930-
       La Deuxieme Guerre mondiale : la guerre, 1939-1945 / par Guy Richard.
     Paris ; New York : Masson, 1987.
       Series title:  Collection Histoire contemporaine generale.

1000. Riess, Curt, 1902-
        The invasion of Germany, by Curt Riess.  New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons

1001. Riess, Curt, 1902-
        They were there; the story of World War II and how it came about, by
      America's foremost correspondents, edited by Curt Riess.  New York,
      Putnam [1944].

1002. Riess, Curt, 1902-
        They were there : the story of World War II and how it came about / by
      America's foremost correspondents ; edited by Curt Riess.  Garden City,
      N.Y. : Garden City Publishing Co., [1945,c1944].

1003. Riess, Curt, 1902-
        Underground Europe / by Curt Riess.  New York, The Dial Press, 1942.

1004. Ringer, Roy J., 1918-
        Oral history interview with Roy J. Ringer / By Carlos Vasquez.  1989.

1005. Robnett, George Washington.
        Can we preserve our "American system" in the postwar world?  Chicago,
      Distributed by the National Laymen's Council [1944].

1006. Rocker, Rudolf, 1873-1958.
        La segunda guerra mundial; interpretaciones y ensayos de un hombre
      libre.  [Buenos Aires] Editorial Americalee [1943].

1007. Rojo, Vicente, 1894-1966.
        Culminacion y crisis del imperialismo.  Buenos Aires, 1954.

1008. Rolo, Charles J 1916-
        Radio goes to war.  London, Faber and Faber [1943].

1009. Rolo, Charles James, 1916-
        Radio goes to war; the "fourth front"; introduction by Johannes Steel
      ...  New York, G. P. Putnam's sons [1942].

1010. Romains, Jules, 1885-1972.
        Messages aux Francais.  New York, N.Y., Editions de la Maison
      francaise, inc., c1941.

1011. Romains, Jules, 1885-1972.
        Sept mysteres du destin de l'Europe ...  New York, N.Y., Editions de la
      Maison francaise, inc., c1940.
        Series title:  Collection "Voix de France" [II].

1012. Romains, Jules, 1885-1972.
        Seven mysteries of Europe, by Jules Romains, translated from the French
      by Germaine Bree.  1st ed.  New York, A. A. Knopf, 1940.

1013. Romains, Jules, 1885-1972.
        Seven mysteries of Europe. Translated from the French by Germaine Bree.
      Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press [1971].
        Series title:  Essay index reprint series.

1014. Roosevelt, Elliott, 1910-
        Prez ochite na Ruzvelt / Eliot Ruzvelt ; predgovor Elinor Ruzvelt ;
      prevod Silviia Bramur i TSveta Zografova.  Sofiia : Izd. na Dobromir
      Chilingirov, 1947.

1015. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945.
        Mr. Roosevelt speaks; four speeches by President Roosevelt ...  London
      [etc.] Oxford University Press, 1941.
        Series title:  America faces the war No. 1.

1016. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945.
        Roosevelt spricht; die Kriegsreden des Prasidenten. [Aus dem
      Amerikanischen ubertragen von Paul Baudisch].  Stockholm,
      Bermann-Fischer, 1945.
        Series title:  Bucher zur Weltpolitik.

1017. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945.
        A selection of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's addresses ...  New
      York, N.Y., France Forever, 1943.
        Series title:  France Forever, New York Documents no. 3.

1018. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945.
        The war message [of] Franklin D. Roosevelt; being the addresses of the
      president to the nation and Congress concerning the involvement of the
      United States in a war with the empire of Japan, and axis powers.
      Philadelphia, Pa., Ritten house, 1942.

1019. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945.
        The war messages of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, December 8, 1941, to
      October 12, 1942. The President's war addresses to the people & to the
      Congress of the United States of America.  [Washington? 1942?].

1020. Rosner, Charles.
        The writing on the wall, 1813-1943, with 38 full-page illustrations.
      [London] Nicholson & Watson [1943].

1021. Roy, Manabendra Nath, 1893-1954.
        War and revolution, international civil war.  [Madras] Radical
      Democratic Party, 1942.

1022. The Russian version of the Second World War : the history of the war as
      taught to Soviet schoolchildren / edited by Graham Lyons.  Hamden, Conn.
      : Archon Books, 1976.

1023. The Russian version of the Second World War : the history of the war as
      taught to Soviet schoolchildren / edited by Graham Lyons ; translated by
      Marjorie Vanston.  New York : Facts on File, c1976.

1024. The Russian version of the Second World War : the history of the war as
      taught to Soviet schoolchildren / edited by Graham Lyons.  London :
      Cooper, 1976.

1025. The Russian version of the Second World War : the history of the war as
      taught to Soviet schoolchildren / edited by Graham Lyons ; translated by
      Marjorie Vanston.  Hamden, Conn. : Archon Books, 1978, c1976.

1026. The Russian version of the Second World War : the history of the war as
      taught to Soviet schoolchildren / edited by Graham Lyons ; translated by
      Marjorie Vanston.  New York : Facts on File, [1983] c1976.

1027. Rzheshevskii, Oleg Aleksandrovich.
        World War II : myths and the realities / Oleg Rzheshevsky ; [translated
      from the Russian by Sergei Chulaki].  Moscow : Progress Publishers,

      Sabotalk / drawings by Sid Marcus.  [between 1941 and 1945?].

1029. Saenz, Vicente, 1896-
        Cosas y hombres de Europa (apuntes, opiniones y comentarios de varias
      fechas.)  Mexico, D. F., Ediciones Liberacion, 1942.

1030. Saenz, Vicente, 1896-
        Guion de historia contemporanea; texto de orientacion para profesores y
      alumnos hispanoamericanos, por Vicente Saenz ...  Mexico, D.F., Liga
      democratica hispanoamericana, Editorial Rumbos, 1942.

1031. Saenz, Vicente, 1896-
        Opiniones y comentarios de 1943.  Mexico, Ediciones Liberacion, 1944.

1032. Saerchinger, Cesar, 1889-1971.
        The way out of war, by Cesar Saerchinger ... maps by Emil Herlin.  New
      York, The Macmillan company, 1940.
        Series title:  The Peoples library, 10.

1033. Salim, Makmun.
        Ichtisar sedjarah Perang Dunia II.  [Djakarta] Pusat Sedjarah ABRI,
        Series title:  Seri text-book sedjarah ABRI C7.

1034. Sallagar, Frederick M., 1904-
        The road to total war: escalation in World War II.  Santa Monica, Rand
      Corp., 1969.
        Series title:  Rand Corporation Rand report, no.465.

1035. Sallagar, Frederick M., 1904-
        The road to total war : escalation in World War II / F. M. Sallager.
      Santa Monica, Calif. : Rand Corp., 1969.

1036. Samsonov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich.
        Krakh fashistskoi agressii : 1939-1945 : istoricheskii ocherk / A. M.
      Samsonov.  Moskva : Nauka, 1975.

1037. Samsonov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich.
        Krakh fashistskoi agressii, 1939-1945 : istoricheskii ocherk / A.M.
      Samsonov.  Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop.  Moskva : Izd-vo "Nauka," 1980.

1038. Samsonov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich.
        Vtoraia Mirovaia voina, 1939-1945 : ocherk vazhneishikh sobytii / A.M.
      Samsonov.  Moskva : Izd-vo "Nauka", 1985.

1039. Samsonov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich.
        Vtoraia Mirovaia voina, 1939-1945 : ocherk vazhneishikh sobytii / A.M.
      Samsonov.  Izd. 4., ispr., dop.  Moskva : "Nauka", 1990.

1040. San Francisco examiner.
        History of the war in newspaper front pages; actual reproductions of
      newspaper front pages, selected from the San Francisco Examiner, covering
      major events in World War II plus complete text of United Nations...
      [San Francisco, 1945].

      [San Francisco sets up air raid sirens. Hearst vault material,
      HVMc1514r7, 43654].  [1941-12-17].

1042. Sargent, Porter.
        War and education, by Porter Sargent.  Boston, Mass. P. Sargent [1943].

1043. Sathian Phantharangsi.
        Rang praphan waduai ruang songkhram / doi Sathian Phantharangsi.
      Phranakhon : Phra Phitthaya, [2511 ie. 1968].

1044. Sayan.
        Suk yai nai songkhram lok khrang thi 2 / Sayan.  Krungthep : [s.l.],
      2508 [1965].

1045. Sayers, Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh), 1893-1957.
        Begin here; a statement of faith, by Dorothy L. Sayers.  New York,
      Harcourt, Brace and Company [c1941].

1046. Sayers, Dorothy Leigh, 1893-1957.
        Begin here ; a war-time essay by Dorothy L. Sayers.  London, Victor
      Gollancz ltd., 1940.

1047. Schakovskoy, Zinaida, princesse, 1908-
        La Drole de paix / Zinaida Schakovskoy.  Paris : Presses de la Cite,
        Series title:  Tel est mon siecle ; 4.

1048. Schellenberg, Walter, 1910-1952.
        The labyrinth; memoirs. Introd. by Alan Bullock. Translated by Louis
      Hagen.  New York, Harper [1956].

1049. Scherman, Harry, 1887-
        The last best hope of earth, a philosophy for the war.  New York,
      Random house [c1941].

1050. Scherman, Harry, 1887-
        The last best hope of earth, a philosophy for the war.  New York,
      Random House [1942].

1051. Schickel, Alfred.
        Beitrage zur Zeitgeschichte / Alfred Schickel.  Ingolstadt :
      Zeitgeschichtliche Forschungsstelle Ingolstadt, 1983.
        Series title:  Veroffentlichung der Zeitgeschichtlichen
      Forschungsstelle Ingolstadt ;.

1052. Schiffrin, Alexander, 1901-
        Attack can win in '43, by Max Werner [pseud.].  Boston, Little, Brown
      and Company, 1943.

1053. Schlamm, William S.
        Hitler's conquest of America.  New York, Toronto, Farrar & Rinehart
        Series title:  America in a world at war ; no.15.

1054. Schlamm, William Siegmund, 1904-
        This second war of independence; a call to action, by William S.
      Schlamm.  1st ed.  New York, E. P. Dutton [c1940].

1055. Schlotterbeck, Friedrich, 1909-
        The darker the night, the brighter the stars, by Friedrich
      Schlotterbeck. A German worker remembers (1933-1945) Translated by Edward
      Fitzgerald.  Left Book Club ed.  London, V. Gollancz ltd, 1947.

1056. Schmidt, P. J.
        Buitenlandse politiek van Nederland / door P.J. Schmidt.  Leiden : A.W.
      Sijthoff, 1945.

1057. Schneiderman, William.
        Everything for unity and victory.  [San Francisco, State Committee,
      California Communist Party, 1941?

1058. School of the citizen soldier.  New York : D. Appleton-Century Co., 1942.

1059. Schubert, Frank N.
        Mobilization.  [Washington, DC : U.S. Army Center of Military History :
      For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs, 1995?].
        Series title:  The U.S. Army in World War II.
        Series title:  CMH pub ; 72-32.

1060. Schulenburg, Dieter von der, 1883-1944.
        Und dennoch.  Berlin Wien, Verlag Neues Volk, [1942].

1061. Schuman, Frederick Lewis, 1904-
        Design for power : the struggle for the world / maps by George D.
      Brodsky ; narrative by Frederick L. Schuman.  New York : A. A. Knopf,
      1942, c1941.

1062. Schumann, Maurice.
        Honneur et patrie, preface du general de Gaulle.  [Paris] Editions du
      Livre francais [1946].

1063. Schumann, Maurice.
        La voix du couvre-feu : cent allocutions de celui qui fut le
      porte-parole du General de Gaulle, 1940-1944 / Maurice Schumann ; preface
      du General de Gaulle.  Paris : Plon, 1964.

1064. Schwarz, Karl, journalist.
        Chronik des krieges; dokumente und berichte.  Berlin, H. Stubenrauch,

1065. Schwarz, Rudolf, writer on war.
        So gewannen sie den Krieg und verloren den Freiden.  [Frankfurt am
      Main] Verlag Frankfurter Bucher [1960].

1066. Schwarzschild, Leopold, 1891-1950.
        World in trance : from Versailles to Pearl harbor / by Leopold
      Schwarzschild ; translated by Norbert Guterman.  New York : L. B.
      Fischer, 1945, c1942.

1067. Scott, John, 1912-
        Duel for Europe.  Boston, Houghton Mifflin company, 1942.

      [Screen and radio stars put on U.S.O. show for boys in the service,
      Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, Calif. Hearst vault material, HVMc1451r2,
      40842].  [1941-06-29].

1069. Seago, Edward, 1910-1974.
        High endeavour / by Edward Seago.  London : Collins, 1944.

1070. The Second World War : essays in military and political history / edited
      by Walter Laqueur.  London ; Beverly Hills : Sage Publications, c1982.
        Series title:  Sage readers in 20th century history ; 4.

1071. Sekirin, M. K.
        Cherez vsiu voinu : ocherk o voinakh 13-i armii / M.K. Sekirin, I.M.
      Belkin, V.M. Doroshenko ; otvetstvennyi redaktor N.F. Kuz'min.  Moskva :
      Nauka, 1991.
        Series title:  Bor'ba narodov protiv fashizma i agressii.

1072. Selden, Frank Henry, 1866-
        The problem of peace by Frank Henry Selden.  Cranesville, Pa., Maudslay
      press [1942].

1073. Selden, Frank Henry, 1866-
        The problem of peace.  Rev. and enl. ed.  Cranesville, Pa., Maudslay
      press [1943, c1942].

1074. Senilov, B. V.
        Voennye den'gi Vtoroi mirovoi voiny / B.V. Senilov.  Moskva : "Finansy
      i statistika", 1991.

1075. Senji kyogaku to Jodo Shinshu : fashizumu-ka no Bukkyo shiso / [hensha
      Onishi Osamu].  Shohan.  Tokyo : Shakai Hyoronsha, 1995.

1076. Seth, Ronald.
        The day war broke out; the story of the 3rd September, 1939.  London,
      N. Spearman, 1963.

1077. Shane, Ted, 1900-
        Heroes of the Pacific / by Ted Shane.  New York : J. Messner, inc.,

1078. Sheffer, Eugene Jay.
        Aspects de la guerre moderne sur terre, sur mer et dans les airs;
      sketches of World war II, edited with introductions, notes, and
      vocabulary, by Eugene Jay Sheffer ...  New York, Farrar & Rinehart, inc.

1079. Sheppard, Eric William, 1890-
        The army from January 1941 to March 1942, by Major E.W. Sheppard ... A
      complete record in text and pictures. With 490 illustrations.  London,
      New York [etc.] Hutchinson & Co., Ltd. [1943].
        Series title:  Britain at war.

1080. Sherwood, Robert E. (Robert Emmet), 1896-1955.
        The White House papers of Harry L. Hopkins; an intimate history.
      London, Eyre - Spottiswoode, 1948-49.

1081. Shopov, Petur.
        SASht i Bulgariia : politicheski otnosheniia, 1939-1944 / Petur Shopov.
      1. izd.  Sofiia : Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front, 1990.

1082. Shugg, Roger W. (Roger Wallace)
        World War II, a concise history, by Roger W. Shugg, PH. D. and Major
      H.A. De Weerd.  Washington, The Infantry Journal, 1946.
        Series title:  Fighting forces series.

1083. Shugg, Roger Wallace.
        World war II, a concise history, by Roger W. Shugg and Lieutenant
      Colonel H. A. DeWeerd.  2d ed.  Washington, Infantry journal press

      Sieg im Westen = Victory in the West / Noldan Produktion, UFA, Germany.
      Chicago, Ill. : International Historic Films ; Indianapolis, Ind. :
      German Language Video Center, 1984.
        1 videocassette (120 min.) : sd., b&w. ; 1/2 in.
        Series title:  Historic film classics 21.

1085. Sikorski, Wladyslaw, 1881-1943.
        General Sikorski's speeches during his visit to the United States in
      December 1942.  New York, Polish Information Center, 1942.

1086. Silveira, Joel.
        Segunda Guerra Mundial : todos erraram, inclusive a FEB / Joel
      Silveira.  Rio de Janeiro : Espaco e Tempo, c1989.

1087. Simonov, Konstantin Mikhailovich, 1915-
        V odnoi gazete ... : Reportazhi i stat'i 1941-1945 / Konstantin
      Simonov, Il'ia Erenburg ; [Vstup. stat'ia L. Lazareva].  Moskva : Izd-vo
      Agentstva pechati "Novosti", 1979.

1088. Sipols, V. IA. (Vilnis IAnovich)
        Diplomaticheskaia bor'ba nakanune vtoroi mirovoi voiny / V. IA. Sipols.
      Moskva : Mezhdunar, otnosheniia, 1979.

1089. Sipols, V. IA. (Vilnis IAnovich)
        Diplomaticheskaia bor'ba nakanune vtoroi mirovoi voiny / V. IA. Sipols.
      Moskva : Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 1979.

1090. The sixth column, inside the Nazi-occupied countries.  New York, Alliance
      book corporation [1942].

      Smith, George H., 1911-
        George H. Smith diaries : mss.S, 1943-1945.
        6 v. ; 20 cm.

1092. Smith, Joseph Russell, 1874-
        Geography and World War II / by J. Russel Smith.  Chicago : John C.
      Winston, c1943.

      Smith, Oliver P., 1893-
        Oral history interview with General Oliver P. Smith : Los Altos,
      California : oral history transcript / of a tape-recorded interview
      conducted by Benis M. Frank, 1969.
        Transcript v. 1 : [10], 345 leaves ; 28 cm. + related material.
        v. 2 microfiche : 1 portfolio.
        Series title:  The Bancroft Library, University of California,
      Berkeley, CA 94720-6000.

1094. Snell, DeWitt Smith, 1898-
        Unheeded warnings; or, The history of a futile effort to avert national
      disaster, by DeWitt S. Snell.  [Schenectady, N. Y.] Gazette press,

1095. Snyder, Louis Leo, 1907-
        The war: a concise history, 1939-1945. Foreword by Eric Sevareid.  New
      York, J. Messner [1960].

1096. Snyder, Louis Leo, 1907-
        The war : a concise history, 1939-1945 / by Louis L. Synder.  London :
      R. Hale, 1962, c1960.

1097. Snyder, Louis Leo, 1907-
        The war: a concise history, 1939-1945. By Louis L. Snyder. Foreword by
      Eric Sevareid.  New York, Dell [1964, c1960].
        Series title:  Dell Laurel edition, 9393.

1098. Snyder, Louis Leo, 1907-
        World War II / by Louis L. Snyder.  Rev. ed.  New York : F. Watts,
        Series title:  A First book.

1099. Socialist Labor Party.
        Down with war! : Declaration on the outbreak of war / by the Socialist
      Labor Party of America.  New York : New York Labor News, 1939.

1100. Socialist Labor Party.
        Socialism, hope of humanity : declaration of the Socialist Labor Party
      of America on entry of the United States into the world war.  3rd
      printing.  New York, N.Y. : New York Labor News Co., 1942.

1101. Sofia. Radiostantsiia "Khristo Botev.".
        Govori radiostantsiia "Khristo Botev," 23 yuli 1941-22 septemvri 1944.
      Sofiia, Bulgarskata Komunisticheska Partiia, 1950-52.

1102. Solidarity : a platform for all those who can help to plan a better world
      / edited by Jacques Metadier.  London [etc.] : G. G. Harrap & co. ltd.,

1103. Some selected references relating to the impact of the war upon the
      national agricultural program.  [Washington, D.C.] : U. S. Dept. of
      Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, [1941?].

1104. Soto, Nell, 1926-
        Oral history interview with Nell Soto / By Carlos Vasquez.  1988.

1105. Soto, Philip L. (Philip Lewis), 1926-
        Oral history interview with Philip L. Soto / By Carlos Vasquez.  1988.

1106. Soviet studies on the Second World War.  Moscow ; Social sciences today
      Editorial Board, USSR Academy of Sciences ; [New York : distributed by
      Four Continent Book Corp.], 1976.
        Series title:  Problems of the contemporary world ; no. 38.

1107. Soward, F. H. (Frederic Hubert), 1899-
        Twenty-five troubled years, 1918-1943.  London, New York, Oxford
      university press, 1943.

1108. Soward, Frederic Hubert, 1899-
        Twenty-five troubled years, 1918-1943 / by F. H. Soward.  London, New
      York : Oxford university press, 1944.

1109. Spampanato, Bruno, 1902-1958.
        L'ultimo Mussolini (Contromemoriale)  [Roma] Rivista romana, 1964.
        Series title:  Collana di studi storici.

      Spruance, Raymond Ames, 1886-1969.
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