A Melvyl
könyveiből : H–L
Haan, Kilsoo.
Letters and clippings relating to Japanese activities in Hawaii and
western United States, 1937-1963.
1 portfolio.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
519. Haas, Lucien C., 1918-
Oral history interview with Lucien C. Haas / By Carlos Vasquez. 1989.
520. Hace, Matevz, 1910-
Komisarjevi zapiski. [Risbe na prilogah so iz partizanske mape Franceta
Mihelica. V Ljubljani] Mladinska knjiga, 1957-
521. Haffner, Sebastian.
Germany : Jekyll and Hyde / Sebastian Haffner ; translated from the
German by Wilfrid David. London : Secker and Warburg, 1940.
522. Haffner, Sebastian.
Germany: Jekyll and Hyde, translated from the German by Wilfrid David.
New York, E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1941.
523. Haines, C. Grove (Charles Grove), 1906-
The origins and background of the second world war [by] C. Grove Haines
... [and] Ross J. S. Hoffman ... 2d ed. New York, Oxford university
press, 1947.
524. Haines, Charles Grove, 1906-
The origins and background of the second world war [by] C. Grove Haines
and Ross J.S. Hoffman. London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1943.
525. Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of, 1881-1959.
The American speeches of the Earl of Halifax. With a pref. by Hamilton
Fish Armstrong. Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press [1970, c1947].
Series title: Essay index reprint series.
526. Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, Earl of, 1881-1959.
The American speeches of the Earl of Halifax, with a preface by Hamilton
Fish Armstrong. New York, Oxford university press, c1947.
527. Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, Earl of, 1881-1959.
Lord Halifax speaks to American Newcomen, an address at Washington on
October 23, 1941, by His Excellency the Right Honourable the Viscount
Halifax. [Princeton, Printed at the Princeton university press, 1942].
528. Hall, Walter Phelps, 1884-1962.
Iron out of Calvary; an interpretative history of the second world war,
by Walter Phelps Hall... Student's ed. . New York and London, D.
Appleton-Century Company, inc. [1946].
Series title: The Century historical series.
529. Hall, William Reginald, Sir, 1870-1943.
Three wars with Germany [by] Admiral Sir W. Reginald Hall and Amos J.
Peaslee, edited and illustrated by Joseph P. Sims. New York, G. P.
Putnam's sons [1944].
530. Hanc, Josef, 1895-
Eastern Europe by Josef Hanc; foreword by Jan Masaryk. London : Museum
Press 1943.
531. Hanc, Josef, 1895-
Tornado across eastern Europe; the path of Nazi destruction from Poland
to Greece, by Josef Hanc. New York, The Greystone press [1942].
532. Hansson, Per Albin, 1885-1946.
Svensk hallning och handling; uttalanden under krigsaren. Stockholm,
Tidens forlag, 1945.
533. Harrison, John Baugham.
This age of global strife. Philadelphia, Lippincott [1952].
534. Harsch, Joseph C. (Joseph Close), 1905-
At the hinge of history : a reporter's story / Joseph C. Harsch. Athens
[Ga.] : University of Georgia Press, c1993.
535. Harvey, A. D. (Arnold D.)
Collision of empires : Britain in three world wars, 1793-1945 / A.D.
Harvey. London ; Rio Grande, Ohio : Hambledon Press, 1992.
536. Hata, Shunroku, 1879-
Rikugun : Hata Shunroku nisshi / [Ito Takashi, Terunuma Yasutaka
kaisetsu]. Tokyo : Misuzu Shobo, 1983.
Series title: Zoku Gendaishi shiryo ; 4.
537. Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley, 1882-1964.
This inevitable conflict, by Carlton J. H. Hayes .. New York, Columbia
University Press, 1942.
Series title: Columbia home front warbooks no. 2.
538. Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley, 1882-1964.
This inevitable conflict,. London [etc.] Oxford university press 1942.
539. Hayes, James A., 1921-
Oral history interview with James A. Hayes / By Carlos Vasquez. 1990.
540. Hayes, Peter, 1946-
Industry and ideology : IG Farben in the Nazi era / Peter Hayes.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1987.
541. Hazard, Paul, 1878-1944.
O que devemos defender!. [Lisboa, Servico de Informacao, Legacao da
Franca] 1940.
542. Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951.
In the news [reproduction of a column apppearing in the Hearst
newspapers Mar. 10, 1940-Dec. 30, 1941. [S.l., s.n., n.d.].
Hedgerow Theatre Repertory Company.
Hedgerow Theatre Repertory Company records, 1923-1956.
8 microfilm reel : positive.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
544. Heiferman, Ronald.
World War II [by] Ronald Heiferman; introduced & edited by S. L. Mayer.
London, Octopus Books, c1973.
545. Heindel, Richard Heathcote, 1912-
More notes on war documentation and research activities, prepared by
Richard H. Heindel ... [Philadelphia] 1940.
Series title: War documentation service bulletin 5.
Heintz, Ralph Morrell, 1892-1980.
Technical innovations and business in the Bay Area, 1920-1980.
4, vii, 199 leaves : ms. (photocopy)
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
547. El Hemisferio occidental o las consecuencias que tendria para Iberoamerica
una victoria angloamericana. Madrid : [s.n.], 1942 (Madrid : Grafica
548. El Hemisferio occidental o las consecuencias que tendria para Iberoamerica
una victoria angloamericana. Madrid : [s.n.], 1942 (Madrid : Grafica
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 3, item 111.
549. Henriot, Philippe, d. 1944.
Et s'ils debarquaient? Preface d'Emile Vuillermoz. Paris, Editions du
Centre d'etudes de l'agence Inter-France [1944].
550. Henriquez Urena, Max, 1885-
Oratoria de dos guerras. Buenos Aires, 1946.
551. Hermes, Robert Alexander.
Die Kriegsschauplatze und die Bedingungen der Kriegfuhrung. Mit 15
Kartenskizzen. Luzern, Vita Nova Verlag, 1941.
Hermle, Leo D., 1890-
Oral history interview with Lieutenant General L.D. Hermle : El Cajon,
California : oral history transcript / of a tape-recorded interview
conducted by Major L.E. Tatem, 1968.
[10], 96 leaves ; 28 cm.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
553. Herold-Paquis, Jean, 1912-1945.
L'Angleterre, comme Carthage. Pref. de Xavier de Magallon. Paris,
Editions du Centre d'etudes de l'agence Inter-France [1944].
554. Herridge, William Duncan, 1888-
Which kind of revolution? Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1943.
555. Herridge, William Duncan, 1888-
Which kind of revolution? By W. D. Herridge. Boston, Little, Brown and
company, 1943.
556. Hiett, Helen.
No matter where, by Helen Hiett. New York, E. P. Dutton & company,
inc., 1944.
557. Hill, Gladwin.
Oral history interview with Gladwin Hill / By Carlos Vasquez. 1987.
558. Hillgruber, Andreas.
Endlich genug uber Nationalsozialismus und Zweiten Weltkrieg? :
Forschungsstand und Literatur / Andreas Hillgruber. Dusseldorf : Droste,
559. Hillgruber, Andreas.
Probleme des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Koln, Berlin, Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Series title: Neue wissenschaftliche Bibliothek ; 20. Geschichte.
560. Hillgruber, Andreas.
Die Zerstorung Europas : Beitrage zur Weltkriegsepoche, 1914 bis 1945 /
Andreas Hillgruber. Frankfurt/M. ; Berlin : Propylaen, c1988.
561. Hillgruber, Andreas.
Der Zweite Weltkrieg 1939-1945 : Kriegsziele und Strategie der grossen
Machte / Andreas Hillgruber. Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, c1982.
562. Hilton, James, 1900-1954.
Ceiling unlimited / by James Hilton. [Burbank, Calif. : Lockheed,
Vega], 1943.
563. Himerareta Showa shi. Tokyo : Kawade Shobo, Showa 31 [1956].
564. Hinsley, Arthur, Cardinal, 1865-1943.
The bond of peace and other war-time addresses, by His Eminence Cardinal
Hinsley... [London] Burns, Oates [1941].
565. The Historical experience of the war against fascism / by the Editorial
Department of Renmin ribao (People's daily). Peking : Foreign Languages
Press, 1965.
566. History of World War II / editor-in-chief, A. J. P. Taylor ; compiled by
S. L. Mayer. London : Octopus Books, 1974.
567. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Discours d'Adolf Hitler pour le 8e. anniversaire de la revolution
nationale-socialiste, le 30 janvier 1941. [Berlin, Druck: Deutscher
verlag, 1941?].
568. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Discours d'Adolf Hitler, prononce a Munich pour le 21e. anniversaire de
la fondation du Parti national-socialiste, le 24 fevrier 1941. [n.p.,
569. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Discours du 28 avril 1939 au 24 fevrier 1941; texte officiel et
integral. Paris, Editions Denoel [1941].
570. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Discurso pronunciado por el fuhrer y canciller del Reich, Adolf Hitler,
el dia 9 de noviembre de 1943. [n. p., 1943?].
571. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Discurso pronunciado por el fuhrer y canciller del Reich, Adolf Hitler :
el dia 9 de noviembre de 1943. [S.l. : s.n., 1943?].
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 3, item 122.
572. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Discurso pronunciado por el fuhrer y canciller del Reich, Adolf Hitler,
el dia 30 de enero de 1944 con motivo del undecimo aniversario de su
advenimiento al poder. [n. p., 1944].
573. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Discurso pronunciado por el fuhrer y canciller del Reich, Adolf Hitler :
el dia 30 de enero de 1944 con motivo del undecimo aniversario de su
advenimiento al poder. [S.l. : s.n., 1944].
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 5, item 189.
574. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Proclama del Fuhrer al pueblo aleman, con motivo del ano nuevo, 1945.
[n. p., 1945].
575. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Proclama del Fuhrer al pueblo aleman : con motivo del ano nuevo, 1945.
[S.l. : s.n., 1945].
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 5, item 194.
576. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
[Selected speeches]. [1933-1943].
577. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
[Selected speeches]. [1933-1943].
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 5, item 191.
578. The Hitler options : alternate decisions of World War II / edited by
Kenneth Macksey. London : Greenhill Books ; Pa. : Stackpole Books, 1995.
579. Hoden, Marcel, 1888-
Chronique des 'ev'enements internationaux / par Marcel Hoden.
Harmondsworth, Eng., New York : 'Editions Pingouin, [1942]-
Series title: A Penguin special.
580. Hoden, Marcel, 1888-
Chronique des evenements internationaux ... Paris, Calmann-Levy, 1945-
581. Hoden, Marcel, 1888-
A diary of world affairs by Marcel Hoden. Translated from the French by
Mabel Hauck. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Eng., New York, Penguin books,
582. Hogg, Ian V., 1926-
British & American artillery of World War 2 / Ian V. Hogg. London :
Arms and Armour Press ; New York : Hippocrene Books, c1978.
583. Holmes, John Haynes, 1879-1964.
Out of darkness, by John Haynes Holmes. [New York] Harper & brothers
584. Holt, Edgar, 1900-
The world at war, 1939-45. London, Putnam [1956].
Home Front and victory / CBS, Inc. New York : CBS Video Library, 1983.
1 videocassette (90 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.
Series title: World War II with Walter Cronkite ; v. 15.
586. Honigsheim, Paul, 1885-1963.
An outline for the study of the war and conflicting social philosophies
/ Paul Honigsheim. East Lansing : Michigan state college, [1942].
587. Hoobler, Dorothy.
An album of World War II / by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler. New York : F.
Watts, 1977.
588. Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964.
Addresses upon the American road, by Herbert Hoover. World War II,
1941-1945. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1946.
589. Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964.
Addresses upon the American road; 1940-1941. New York, C. Scribner's
Sons, 1941.
590. Hopkins, J. A. H. (John Appleton Haven), 1872-1960.
Diary of world events, being a chronological record of the Second World
War photographically reproduced from the American and foreign newspaper
dispatches as reported day by day, including maps, pictures,...
Baltimore, National Advertising Co., 1942-48.
591. Horrabin, James Francis, 1884-
An atlas-history of the Second Great War. London, New York, T. Nelson
592. Horrabin, James Francis, 1884-
An atlas-history of the second great war, by J.F. Horrabin. New York,
A.A. Knopf, 1940-
593. Horrocks, Brian, Sir, 1895-
A full life. London, Collins, 1960.
594. Hough, Richard Alexander, 1922-
Former naval person : Churchill and the wars at sea / Richard Hough.
London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1985.
595. Howe, Eric Graham, 1897-
Where this war hits you, four broadcast talks by E. Graham Howe ("Bue
print") London, Faber and Faber [1941].
596. Hoyt, Edwin Palmer.
Hitler's war / Edwin P. Hoyt. New York : McGraw-Hill, c1988.
597. Huang, Chun-ying.
Erh tz'u ta chan ti Chung wai wen hua chiao liu shih / Huang Chun-ying
chu. Ti 1 pan. Ch'ung-ch'ing : Ch'ung-ch'ing ch'u pan she : Hsin hua shu
tien ching hsiao, 1991.
598. Hulw, Yusuf Khattar.
Qissat al-nasr al-kabir / Yusuf Khattar al-Hulw; qaddama lahu Jurj
al-Batal. [Beirut] : Dar al-Farabi, 1985.
599. Huss, Pierre John, 1903-
The foe we face, by Pierre J. Huss. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday,
Doran & co., inc., 1942.
600. Huss, Pierre John, 1903-
Heil! and farewell, by Pierre J. Huss. London, H. Jenkins limited
601. IAkovlev, N. N. (Nikolai Nikolaevich), 1927-
SShA i Angliia vo Vtoroi Mirovoi voine. Moskva, Gos. uchebno-pedagog.
izd-vo, 1961.
602. Ibarruri, Dolores, 1895-
The women want a people's peace / Dolores Ibarruri ; introduction by
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. New York : Workers Library Publishers, 1941.
603. Ici Londres, 1940-1944 : les voix de la liberte / ed. etablie sous la
direction de Jean-Louis Cremieux-Brilhac ; avant-propos de Jean Marin.
Paris : Documentation francaise, 1975-1976.
604. Ickes, Harold L. (Harold LeClair), 1874-1952.
"When are you going to laugh, America?" An address delivered by Harold
L. Ickes before the Washington Monument, Washington D.C., July 4, 1940.
[Los Angeles, The Breakfast Press, 1940].
605. Ikinci Dunya Harbi'nde Turk dis siyaseti : Disisleri Bakanligi'nin onbir
telgrafi / derleyen ve yorumlayan, Zeki Kuneralp. Istanbul : [s.n.], 1982
([Istanbul] : Istanbul Matbaasi).
606. The Illustrated history of the world wars / Editor-in-Chief, AJP. Taylor.
London : Octopus, 1978.
607. Ingersoll, Ralph McAllister, 1900-
The battle is the pay-off. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company
608. Ingram, Kenneth, 1882-
Years of crisis, an outline of international history, 1919-1945.
London, G. Allen & Unwin ltd. [1946].
609. Ingram, Kenneth, 1882-
Years of crisis, an outline of international history, 1919-1945. New
York, Macmillan Co. [1947].
610. Institut marksizma-leninizma (Moscow, Russia). Otdel istorii Velikoi
Otechestvennoi voiny.
Istoriia Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny. Moskva [Voen. izd-vo
Ministerstva oborony Soiuza SSR] 1960-65.
Inter-America House (San Francisco, Calif.)
Inter-America House, San Francisco records, [ca. 1941-1946].
3 cartons, 7 v. & oversize folder.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
612. International Conference on International Relations (2nd : 1989 : American
University of Paris)
The opening of the Second World War : proceedings of the second
International Conference on International Relations, held at the American
University of Paris, September 26-30, 1989 / David Wingeate Pike, editor.
New York : P. Lang, c1991.
Series title: American university studies. Series IX, History ; vol.
613. International Labour Office.
The labour situation in Great Britain; a survey: May-October 1940.
Montreal 1941.
Series title: Its Studies and reports, series B (Economic conditions )
No. 34.
Into the storm; the coming of war, 1939.. CMS CMS 112. 1972.
1 disc. 33 1/3 rpm. stereo. 12 in.
Into the storm; the coming of war, 1939.. CMS CMS 112. 1972.
1 disc. 33 1/3 rpm. stereo. 12 in.
616. Ismay, Hastings Lionel Ismay, Baron, 1887-1965.
Memoirs. New York, Viking Press 1960.
617. Ismay, Hastings Lionel Ismay, Baron, 1887-1965.
Memoirs. London, Heinemann [1960].
618. The issue; a statement of the British view. Stamford, Conn., Printed at
the Overbook press [1940].
619. Istoriia vtoroi mirovoi voiny. 1939-1945. V 12-ti t. Gl. red. komis.: A.
A. Grechko (pred.) [i dr.] T. 1- Moskva, Voenizdat, 1973-
620. Italy. Esercito. Corpo di stato maggiore. Ufficio storico.
Saggio bibliografico sulla seconda guerra mondiale. [Nuova ed.]. Roma,
621. Ivanov, S. P.
The initial period of war : a Soviet view / chief author S.P. Ivanov.
Washington, D.C. : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., [1986].
Series title: Soviet military thought ; no. 20.
622. Jablonsky, David.
Churchill, the great game and total war / David Jablonsky ; with a
foreword by Caspar W. Weinberger. London, England ; Portland, Or. : F.
Cass, 1991.
Series title: Cass series on politics and military affairs in the
twentieth century 5.
623. Jackel, Eberhard.
Hitler in history / Eberhard Jackel. Hanover, NH : Published for
Brandeis University Press by University Press of New England, 1984.
Series title: Tauber Institute series ; no. 3.
624. Jacob, Ernest Fraser, 1894-
What we defend; essays in freedom by members of the University of
Manchester, edited by E. F. Jacob. [London] Oxford university press,
625. Jacobsen, Hans Adolf.
Battaglie decisive della seconda guerra mondiale [di] H.A. Jacobsen [e]
J. Rohwer. [Traduzione di Mario Calaresu]. Milano, Baldini & Castoldi
Series title: La Spingarda.
626. Jacobsen, Hans Adolf.
Decisive battles of World War II; the German view. Edited by H. A.
Jacobsen and J. Rohwer. Introd. by Cyril Falls. Translated from the German
by Edward Fitzgerald. [1st American ed.]. New York, Putnam [1965].
627. Jacobsen, Hans Adolf.
Decisive battles of World War II : the German view / edited by
Hans-Adolf Jacobsen and Jurgen Rohwer ; translated from the German by
Edward Fitzgerald. [London] : A. Deutsch [1965].
628. Jacobsen, Hans Adolf.
Entscheidungsschlachten des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Im Auftrag des
Arbeitskreises fur Wehrforschung, Stuttgart, hrsg. von Hans-Adolf Jacobsen
und Jurgen Rohwer. Frankfurt am Main, Verlag fur Wehrwesen Bernard &
Graefe, 1960.
629. Jantar, Jerzy.
Wilcze legowisko / Jerzy Jantar. Rozdzial Konfrontacje napisal Josef
Lewandowicz. Wyd. 1. Olsztyn : Pojezierze, 1969.
Japanese-American relocation reviewed : oral history transcript / tape
recorded interview conducted 1969-1973 by Rosemary Levenson, Amelia Fry
and Miriam F. Stein for the Regional Oral History Office, The...
Transcript : 2 v. + related material.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
631. Jato Miranda, David.
A donde vamos? / David Jato Miranda. [Bilbao?] : Departamento Nacional
de Propaganda, Frente de Juventudes, S.E.U., [between 1939 and 1945].
Series title: Ediciones para el bolsillo de la camisa azul ; 11.
632. Jato Miranda, David.
A donde vamos? / David Jato Miranda. [Bilbao?] : Departamento Nacional
de Propaganda, Frente de Juventudes, S.E.U., [between 1939 and 1945].
Series title: Ediciones para el bolsillo de la camisa azul ; 11.
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 54, item
633. Jennison, Keith Warren.
Dedication; text and pictures of the United nations, arranged by Keith
W. Jennison. New York, H. Holt and company [1943].
Series title: IEN.
634. Jentsch, Gerhart.
Las potencias occidentales, destructoras de la neutralidad; informacion
documental, por Jens Erdmann [pseud.]. Madrid [Editorial Blass] 1941.
635. Jentsch, Gerhart.
Las potencias occidentales : destructoras de la neutralidad; informacion
documental / por Jens Erdmann. Madrid : Editorial Blass, 1941.
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 3, item 116.
636. Joesten, Joachim, 1907-
What Russia wants. [New York] World book compnay, distributed by Duell,
Sloan and Pearce [1944].
637. Johansson, Alf W., 1940-
Den nazistiska utmaningen : aspekter pa andra varldskriget / Alf W.
Johansson. Stockholm : Tiden, c1983.
638. Johnson, Douglas Wilson, 1878-1944.
Geology and strategy in the present war, by Douglas Johnson. [New York]
The Society, 1940.
Johnston, Paul D., 1889-
Aptos and the Mid-Santa Cruz County area from the 1890's through World
War II : oral history transcript / Paul D. Johnston; tape-recorded
interview conducted by Elizabeth S. Calciano in 1965-1966....
[13], 227 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
640. Jones, James, 1921-1977.
WW II / James Jones ; graphics direction Art Weithas. New York :
Grosset & Dunlap, c1975.
641. Jones, James, 1921-1977.
WW II / James Jones. Graphics direction Art Weithas. First Ballantine
Books ed. New York : Ballantine Books, 1976.
642. Jordan, Max, 1895-
Beyond all fronts, a bystander's notes on this thirty years war, by Max
Jordan. Milwaukee, The Bruce Publishing Company [1944].
643. Jordan, Max, 1895-
Beyond all fronts : a bystander's notes on this thirty years' war / by
Max Jordan. Milwaukee : Bruce Publishing Co., c1944 (1948 printing).
644. Kaiser, Henry J., 1882-
Twenty-six addresses delivered during the war years / by Henry J. Kaiser
; September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and forty-two to July nineteenth,
nineteen hundred and forty-five. San Francisco : Printed by Edwin and
Robert Grabhorn, 1945.
Kaiser, John Boynton, 1887-
John Boynton Kaiser papers, [ca. 1920-1958].
2 boxes.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
646. Kalinin, M. I. (Mikhail Ivanovich), 1875-1946.
The Soviet president speaks : speeches, broadcast addresses, and
articles on the great patriotic war of the Soviet union, by M.I. Kalinin.
London, New York [etc.] Hutchison & co. ltd. [1945?].
647. Kalinin, M. I. (Mikhail Ivanovich), 1875-1946.
World peace or war? [New York] International Publishers [1938].
648. Kalonimus Klemish ben Elimelekh, 1889-1944.
Esh kodesh : imrot tehorot mi-shenot ha-Sho'ah : 700, 701, 702
she-ne'emru ... be-Geto Varsha.. Jerusalem : Va'ad haside Pyastsenah, 720
649. Kamimura, Kenji, 1922-
Amerika boryaku hishi / Kamimura Kenji. Tokyo : Tairyusha, c1990.
650. Karsai, Elek.
A berchtesgadeni sasfeszektol a berlini bunkerig; fejezetek a masodik
vilaghaboru tortenetebol. 3. kiad. Budapest, Tancsics Konyvkiado, 1962.
651. Karsai, Elek.
Ot logova v Berkhtesgadene do bunkera v Berline. 1968.
652. Kaufman, Theodore N.
Germany must perish / By Theodore N. Kaufman. Newark, N.J. : Argyle
Press [c1941].
653. Keating, Bern.
The mosquito fleet. New York, Scholastic Book Service, 1966.
654. Kee, Robert.
1945 : the world we fought for / Robert Kee. 1st American ed. Boston :
Little, Brown, c1985.
655. Kee, Robert.
1945 : the world we fought for / Robert Kee. London : H. Hamilton,
656. Kee, Robert.
The world we left behind : a chronicle of the year 1939 / Robert Kee.
London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984.
657. Keegan, John, 1934-
The Second World War / John Keegan. London : Hutchinson, c1989.
658. Keegan, John, 1934-
The Second World War / John Keegan. 1st American ed. New York :
Viking, 1990, c1989.
659. Keegan, John, 1934-
The Second World War / John Keegan. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Penguin
Books, 1990.
660. Keeling, Cecil.
Pictures from Persia, by Cecil Keeling. With thirty colour plates by the
author. London, R. Hale limited [1947].
661. Keimena gia ton polemo, gia te diktatoria, gia to Neo Komma / Pantele
Pouliopoulou. Athena : Protoporiake Vivliotheke, 1979.
662. Kempton, Murray, 1917-
Socialism now! : democracy's only defense / by Murray Kempton. New York
: Young People's Socialist League, Youth Section, Socialist Party,
663. Kent, William, 1884-
The lost treasures of London, with an introduction by Norman
Brett-James. London, Phoenix House, 1947.
664. Kernan, William Fergus, 1892-
Defense will not win the war, by W.F. Kernan ... Boston, Little, Brown
and Company, 1942.
665. Kernan, William Fergus, 1892-
We can win this war, by W. F. Kernan ... Boston, Little, Brown and
Company, 1943.
666. King and country; selections from British war speeches, 1939-1940.
London, Chatto and Windus, 1940.
Series title: Zodiac books. 24.
667. King-Hall, Stephen, Sir, 1893-
Total victory, by Stephen King-Hall. New York, Harcourt, Brace and
Company [1942].
668. King-Hall, Stephen, Sir, 1893-
History of the war by Stephen King-Hall .. London, Hodder & Stoughton,
669. Kingston-McCloughry, Edgar James, 1896-
The direction of war; a critique of the political direction and high
command in war. New York, F. A. Praeger [1955].
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670. Kingston-McCloughry, Edgar James, 1896-
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671. Kirk, Grayson Louis.
Uniting today for tomorrow; the United Nations in war and peace, by
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672. Kirsanov, N. A. (Nikolai Andreevich)
V boevom stroiu narodov-brat'ev / N.A. Kirsanov. Moskva : Msyl', 1984.
Kittel, Charles, 1916-
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674. Klafkowski, Alfons.
The legal effects of the Second World War and the German problem.
Warsaw, Interpress Publishers, 1968.
675. Klingaman, William K.
1941 : our lives in a world on the edge / William K. Klingaman. 1st ed.
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676. Kluge, Alexander, 1932-
Lebenslaufe. Ungekurzte Ausgabe. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer Bucherei,
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677. Knapp, Wilfrid.
A history of war and peace, 1939-1965. London, New York, Oxford U.P.,
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678. Knickerbocker, H. R. (Hubert Renfro), 1898-1949.
Is tomorrow Hitler's? : 200 questions on the battle of mankind / H.R.
Knickerbocker . New York : Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941.
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Is tomorrow Htler's? : 115 questions on the battle of mankind / by H.R.
knickerbocker. Harmondsworth, England ; New York : Penguin Books, 1942,
680. Knopp, Guido, 1948-
Das Ende 1945 : der Verdammte Krieg / Guido Knopp ; in Zusammenarbeit
mit Rudolf Gultner ; Dokumentation, Stefan Brauburger, Jorg Mullner, Sonke
Neitzel. 1. Aufl. Munchen : C. Bertelsmann, c1995.
681. Komin, Vladimir Vasil'evich.
Belaia emigratsiia i vtoraia mirovaia voina : Ucheb. posobie / V. V.
Komin. Kalinin : KGU, 1979.
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Korkhmazian. Erevan : Izd-vo AN ArmSSR, 1977.
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Tragom nasilnika. Beograd, Izdavacko preduzece "Rad", 1954.
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Wielka koalicja : 1941-1945 / Wlodzimierz T. Kowalski. Wyd. 2.
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689. Kraus, Rene, 1902-1947.
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Woruber berichten wir heute; unsere gegner und ihr krieg, von Peter
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695. Krupinski, Kurt.
Die Komintern seit kriegsausbruch,. [Berlin, O. Stollberg, 1941?].
Series title: Die Bucherei des ostraumes.
696. Kul'kov, E. N. (Evgenii Nikolaevich)
Pravda i lozh' o Vtoroi mirovoi voine / E.N. Kul'kov, O.A. Rzheshevskii,
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izd-vo, 1983.
697. Kung, Hui.
Ti erh tz'u shih chieh ta chan hua shih = Pictorial history of the World
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698. Kuroha, Kiyotaka, 1934-
Jugonen senso to heiwa kyoiku : jakusha shominshi kara no jissenteki
noto / Kuroha Kiyotaka cho. Tokyo : Chirekisha, 1983.
699. KYA (Radio Station) San Francisco. Chronicle News Staff.
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700. Lacretelle, Jacques de, 1888-
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701. Lamb, Richard.
Churchill as war leader / Richard Lamb. 1st Carroll & Graf ed. New
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The ghosts of peace, 1939-1945 / Richard Lamb. Wilton, Salisbury,
Wiltshire : M. Russell, c1987.
703. Landmesser, Paul W.
Kampf, 1914-1940; kurztexte, daten und zahlen fur unsere soldaten, fur
die heimatfront und fur die auslandsdeutschen. Verfasser: Paul W.
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705. Langsam, Walter Consuelo, 1906-
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709. Lasker, Bruno, 1880-1965.
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The Labour party, the war, and the future, by Harold J. Laski ..
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Reflections on the revolution of our time, by Harold J. Laski. New
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Reflections on the revolution of our time. London, G. Allen and Unwin
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Reflections on the revolution of our time. New York, A. M. Kelley,
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716. Laski, Harold Joseph, 1893-1950.
Revolutionare Wandlungen in unserer Zeit. Zurich : Buchergilde
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717. Laski, Harold Joseph, 1893-1950.
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720. Lawson, Ted L., 1917-
Thirty seconds over Tokyo, by Captain Ted L. Lawson, edited by Robert
Considine. New York, Random House, 1943.
721. League of Nations. Secretary-General.
Report on the work of the League during the war, submitted to the
Assembly by the acting Secretary-general ... Geneva, 1945.
Series title: League of Nations. Series of publications. General
722. Lebedev, P. F. (Pavel Fedorovich)
Oruzhiem metkogo slova : aforisticheskoe tvorchestvo Velikoi
Otechestvennoi voiny / P.F. Lebedev. Saratov : Privolzhskoe knizhnoe
izd-vo, 1985.
723. Leckie, Robert.
Delivered from evil : the saga of World War II / Robert Leckie. 1st ed.
New York : Harper & Row, c1987.
724. Ledward, Patricia.
Poems of this war by younger poets / edited by Patricia Ledward and
Colin Strang ; with an introduction by Edmund Blunden. Cambridge :
University Press, 1942.
725. Lee, Loyd E., 1939-
The war years : a global history of the Second World War / Loyd E. Lee.
Boston : Unwin Hyman, 1989.
726. Leeb, Wilhelm, Ritter von, 1876-1956.
Defense; first translation, 1943 [by] Dr. Stefan T. Possony and Daniel
Vilfroy. Harrisburg, Pa., Military Service Publishing Company [1943].
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727. Leeb, Wilhelm, Ritter von, 1876-1956.
Defense; first translation, 1943 [by] Dr. Stefan T. Possony and Daniel
Vilfroy. Harrisburg, Pa., Military service publishing company [1943].
Series title: Military classics II.
728. Leibrock, Otto, 1893-
Der Sudosten, Grossdeutschland und das neue Europa. Berlin, Volk und
Reich, 1941.
729. Leighton, Richard M.
OVERLORD versus the Mediterranean at the Cairo-Tehran conferences/ by
Richard M. Leighton. Washington, D.C. : Center of Military History, U.S.
Army, 1990.
Series title: CMH pub ; 70-7-10.
Leonard, Richard M. (Richard Manning), 1908-
Richard M. Leonard : mountaineer, lawyer, envionmentalist : oral history
transcript / tape recorded interview conducted 1972-1973 by Susan R.
Schrepfer for the Regional Oral History Office, The Bancroft...
2 v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
731. Lerner, Max, 1902-
Public journal; marginal notes on wartime America, by Max Lerner. New
York, The Viking Press, 1945.
732. Levi, Maxine.
The Communists and the liberation of Europe, by Maxine Levi. New York,
New Century Publishers [1945].
733. Levy, Hermann.
War effort and industrial injuries / by Professor Hermann Levy; with a
foreword by Margaret Cole. London : Fabian Society, [1940].
Series title: Fabian tract no. 253.
734. Lewin, Ronald.
Hitler's mistakes / Ronald Lewin. London : Leo Cooper, in association
with Secker & Warburg, 1984.
735. Lewin, Ronald.
Hitler's mistakes / Ronald Lewin. 1st U.S. ed. New York : William
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736. Ley, Robert, 1890-1945.
Die grosse stunde; das deutsche volk im totalen kriegseinsatz; reden und
aufsatze aus den juhren 1941-1943. Munchen, F. Eher nachf. [1943].
737. Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, 1895-1970.
Dynamic defence, by Liddell Hart. London, Faber and Faber [1940].
738. Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, Sir, 1895-1970.
The current of war, by Liddell Hart. London and Melbourne, Hutchinson &
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739. Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, Sir, 1895-1970.
History of the Second World War. London, Cassell, 1970.
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History of the Second World War. [1st American ed.]. New York, Putnam
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741. Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, Sir, 1895-1970.
This expanding war, by Liddell Hart. London, Faber and Faber ltd.
742. Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, Sir, 1895-1970.
Vtoraia Mirovaia Voina : ocherk / B. Liddel Gart ; per. s angl. V. V.
Borisova [et al.]. Moskva : Voenizdat, 1976.
743. Liebling, A. J. (Abbott Joseph), 1904-1963.
Mollie & other war pieces / A.J. Liebling. New York : Schocken Books,
[1989], c1964.
Series title: Witnesses to war.
744. Lightning war / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. :
Time-Life, c1989.
Series title: The Third Reich.
745. Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 1906-
The wave of the future, a confession of faith [by] Anne Morrow
Lindbergh. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company [c1940].
746. Lindsay, A. D. (Alexander Dunlop), 1879-1952.
I believe in democracy; addresses broadcast in the B. B. C. empire
programme on Mondays from May 20th to June 24th 1940,. London, New York
[etc.] Oxford university press, 1940.
747. Lindsay, A. D. (Alexander Dunlop), 1879-1952.
I believe in democracy; addresses broadcast in the B.B.C. empire
programme on Mondays from May 20th to June 24th 1940, by A. D. Lindsay ...
London, New York [etc.], Oxford university press, 1941.
748. Liutov, I. S. (Ivan Stepanovich)
Koalitsionnoe vzaimodeistvie soiuznikov : po opytu pervoi i vtoroi
mirovykh voin / I.S. Liutov, A.M. Noskov ; otvetstvennyi redaktor A.I.
Gribkov. Moskva : Nauka, 1988.
749. Lombardo Toledano, Vicente, 1894-1968.
Nuestra lucha por la libertad / Vincente Lombardo Toledano. Mexico,
D.F. : [Universidad Obrera de Mexico], 1941.
750. Lombardo Toledano, Vicente, 1894-1968.
Nuestra lucha por la libertad.. Mexico, D. F., 1941.
751. Losey, Mary.
Films for the community in wartime, by Mary Losey. New York city,
National board of review of motion pictures, inc. [1943].
752. Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, Marquis of, 1882-1940.
Last speech by the Marquess of Lothian, British Ambassador to the United
States, 1939-1940 (died Dec. 12, 1940) : delivered to the American Farm
Bureau Association, Baltimore, Md., Dec. 11, 1940. New York : British
Library of Information, [1940?].
753. Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, Marquis of, 1882-1940.
Lord Lothian speaks to America. London, New York [etc.] Oxford
University Press, 1941.
754. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College.
Aspects of a world at war; radio forums of the Louisiana State
University, edited by Robert Bechtold Heilman. [Baton Rouge] Pub. for the
General Extension Division of the Louisiana State University, 1943.
755. Lucas, James Sidney.
Last days of the Reich : the collapse of Nazi Germany, May 1945 / James
Lucas ; foreword by Sir Bernard Braine. London : Arms and Armour Press,
756. Lucas, James Sidney.
Last days of the Third Reich : the collapse of Nazi Germany, May 1945 /
James Lucas ; foreword by Sir Bernard Braine ; [maps and diagrams by
Anthony A. Evans]. 1st U.S. ed. New York : W. Morrow, c1986.
757. Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-
Europe in the spring / Clare Boothe. New York : A.A. Knopf, 1940.
758. Luevano, Daniel M., 1923-
Oral history interview with Daniel M. Luevano / By Carlos Vasquez.
759. Lugol, Jean.
Egypt and World War II. The anti-axis campaigns in the Middle East;
translated from the French by A.G. Mitchell. Cairo, Societe orientale de
publicite, 1945.
760. Lugol, Jean.
L'Egypte et la deuxieme guerre mondiale. Le Caire : Imprimerie E. & R.
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761. Lukacs, John, 1924-
1945, year zero / John Lukacs. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday,
762. Lukacs, John, 1924-
The duel : Hitler vs. Churchill : 10 May-31 July 1940 / John Lukacs.
London : Bodley Head, 1990.
763. Lukacs, John, 1924-
The last European war, September 1939/December 1941 / John Lukacs. 1st
ed. in the U.S.A. Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Press, 1976.
764. Lukacs, John, 1924-
The last European war, September 1939-December 1941 / John Lukacs.
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765. Lukacs, John, 1924-
The last European war, September 1939/December 1941 / John Lukacs.
London : Routledge & K. Paul, 1977.
766. Lundstrom, Ragnvald.
Krigen 1939-1945. Oslo, Tiden norsk forlag [1946-47].
767. Lyons, Michael J., 1930-
World War II : a short history / Michael J. Lyons. Englewood Cliffs,
N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1989.
768. Lyons, Michael J., 1930-
World War II : a short history / Michael J. Lyons. 2nd ed. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1994.