A Melvyl
könyveiből : E–G
385. Earle, Hubert P.
Blackout; the human side of Europe's march to war, by Hubert P. Earle;
with 16 illustrations. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott company [c1939].
386. Eastwood, James.
The Maginot and Siegfried lines ; walls of death, by James Eastwood.
London, Pallas publishing company limited [1939].
Series title: Topics of the moment.
387. Easum, Chester Verne.
Half-century of conflict. New York, Harper [1952].
Series title: The Harper historical series.
388. Edwards Bello, Joaquin, 1888-1968.
Joaquin Edwards Bello, corresponsal de guerra : Guerra Civil Espanola,
Segunda Guerra Mundial : cronicas, 1923 a 1946 / seleccion de Alfonso
Calderon. Valparaiso : Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaiso,
Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, c1981.
389. Eguchi, Keiichi, 1932-
Futatsu no taisen / Eguchi Keiichi. Dai 1-han. Tokyo : Shogakkan,
Series title: Taikei Nihon no rekishi ; 14.
390. Einach, Victor.
Channels of defense, by Victor Einach ... (Preliminary edition)
Buffalo, N.Y., Council of social agencies [1941].
391. Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969.
Eisenhower on war and peace. [Interim international information service
U. S. A., 1945].
392. Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969.
Guildhall address in London and the address before the Congress in
Washington. June 1945. Stamford, Conn., Overbrook Press, 1945.
393. Eisinger, Chester E.
The 1940s; profile of a nation in crisis, edited with an introd. by
Chester E. Eisinger. [1st ed.]. Garden City, N.Y., Anchor Books, 1969.
Series title: Documents in American civilization series.
394. Elliot, Walter Elliot, 1888-
Long distance. London, Constable & co. ltd [1943].
395. Ellis, John, 1945-
The sharp end of war : the fighting man in World War II / John Ellis.
Newton Abbot, Devon ; North Pomfret, Vt. : David & Charles, c1980.
396. Ellis, John, 1945-
The sharp end of war : the fighting man in World War II / John Ellis.
Newton Abbot : David & Charles, 1980.
397. Encina, Dionisio, 1907-
Fuera el imperialismo y sus agentes! Unidos para hacer avanzar la
revolucion! Informe rendido por el camarada Dionisio Encina en el primer
Congreso extraordinario del Partido comunista de Mexico, realizado del...
Mexico, D. F., Editorial popular, 1940.
398. Encyclopedia Americana.
A concise history of World War II. Prepared for the Encyclopedia
Americana under the advisory editorship of Vincent J. Esposito. New York,
Praeger [1964].
399. Ensor, Robert Charles Kirkwood, 1877-1955.
A miniature history of the war [by] R. C. K. Ensor. 2d ed. New York,
Oxford university press, 1946.
400. Ensor, Robert Charles Kirkwood, 1877-1955.
A miniature history of the war down to the liberation of Paris [by] R.
C. K. Ensor. New York, Oxford university press, 1945.
401. Ensor, Robert Charles Kirkwood, 1877-1955.
The uphill war, Sept. 1939-Nov. 1942,. London, Oxford university press,
H. Milford, 1944.
Western tradition programs 47-48 / produced by WGBH/Boston in association
with The Metropolitan Museum of Art ; executive producer, Fred Barzyk.
Santa Barbara, CA : The Annenberg/CPB Project, 1989.
1 videocassette (54 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.
Series title: Western tradition ; 45-46.
403. Ernle-Erle-Drax, R. P.
The art of war, twentieth century version / by Sir R.P. Ernle-Erle-Drax.
[ ], 1943 (Poole : J. Looker).
404. Eskelund, Karl, 1918-
My Chinese wife, by Karl Eskelund, illustrated by Hans Bendix. Garden
City, N. Y., Garden City publishing co., inc. [1946].
Europa Europa / CCC Filmkunst GMBH/Artur Brauner ; Les Films du
Losange/Margaret Menegoz ; un film de Agnieszka Holland ; scenario
Agnieszka Holland. New York : Orion Home Video, c1992.
1 videocassette (115 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.
VHS format.
Europa Europa / Artur Brauner/CCC Filmkunst GMBH Margaret Menegoz/Les
Films du Losange. New York : Orion Home Video, [1992], c1991.
1 videocassette (115 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.
Europe, the Allies close in / CBS Inc. New York : CBS Video Library,
1 videocassette (95 min.) : sd., col. with b&w sequences ; 1/2 in.
Series title: World War II with Walter Cronkite ; v.2.
408. Evans, Rowland, Sir, 1879-
Prelude to peace / by Sir Rowland Evans. London ; New York :
Hutchinson, 1942.
409. The Experience of World War II / edited by John Campbell. New York :
Oxford University Press, 1989.
410. The Experience of World War II / edited by John Campbell. London :
Harrap, c1989.
411. Fabre-Luce, Alfred, 1899-
Au nom des silencieux. [Paris] L'auteur [1945].
412. Falls, Cyril Bentham, 1888-
The Second World War, a short history. London, Methuen [1948].
413. Falls, Cyril Bentham, 1888-
The Second World War, a short history. 2d ed., rev. London, Methuen
414. Falls, Cyril Bentham, 1888-
The Second World War, a short history. [3d ed., rev.] . London,
Methuen [1950].
The fateful year : September 1939 - September 1940. United States :
[Distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1940].
416. Fay, Bernard, 1893-
La Guerre des trois fous, Hitler, Staline, Roosevelt. Paris, Perrin,
417. Feigelson, Raph.
L'Usage de la parole : chroniques. Pref. de Anna Langfus. Paris, J.
Grassin [1964, c1963].
Series title: Idees presentes 6.
418. Fields, J.
Behind the war headlines, by J. Fields. [New York, Workers library
publishers, inc., 1939?].
419. Figueiredo, Euclides, 1883-1963.
De um observador militar : a 2a. Guerra Mundial vista de dentro de uma
prisao do Estado Novo / Euclides Figueiredo. Brasilia : Camara dos
Deputados, Centro de Documentacao e Informacao, Coordenacao de
Publicacoes, 1983.
420. Finkelstein, Norman H.
Remember not to forget : a memory of the Holocaust / by Norman H.
Finkelstein ; illustrations by Lois and Lars Hokanson. New York : F.
Watts, 1985.
421. Firsoff, V. A. (Valdemar Axel), 1912-
Ski track on the battlefield, by V. A. Firsoff. New York, A.S. Barnes
and company [1943].
422. Fischer, Alexander.
Sowjetische Deutschlandpolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg, 1941-1945 /
Alexander Fischer. Stuttgart : Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1975.
Series title: Studien zur Zeitgeschichte (Institut fur Zeitgeschichte
(Munich, Germany)) ;.
423. Fischer, Ernst, 1899-1972.
From People's Front to National Front / by Ernst Fischer. London :
Communist Party of Great Britain, 1942.
424. Fischer, Ernst, 1899-1972.
From People's Front to National Front / by Ernst Fischer. London :
Communist Party of Great Britain, 1942.
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 3, item 110.
425. Fischer, Ernst, 1899-1972.
Is this a war for freedom? New York, Workers Library Publishers [1940].
426. Fischer, Louis, 1896-1970.
Dawn of victory [by] Louis Fischer. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce
427. Flower, Desmond, 1907-
The taste of courage; the war, 1939-1945, edited by Desmond Flower and
James Reeves. New York, Harper [1960].
428. Focillon, Henri, 1881-1943.
Temoignage pour la France. [New York] Brentano's [1945].
429. Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1878-1969.
A great time to be alive; sermons on Christianity in wartime, by Harry
Emerson Fosdick. New York, London, Harper & Brothers [1944].
430. Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1878-1969.
A great time to be alive; sermons on Christianity in wartime. [3d ed.].
New York, Harper [1944].
431. Foster, William Z., 1881-1961.
For speedy victory : the second front now / by William Z. Foster. New
York : Workers Library Publishers, 1943.
432. Foster, William Z., 1881-1961.
Labor and the war / by Wm. Z. Foster. [New York : Workers Library
Publishers, 1942].
433. Foster, William Z., 1881-1961.
The U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R., war allies and friends / by William Z.
Foster. [New York : Workers Library Publishers, 1942].
434. Foster, William Z., 1881-1961.
World capitalism and world socialism [by] Wm. Z. Foster. [New York,
Workers library publishers, inc., 1941].
435. Fourth International. Emergency Conference (1940)
Manifesto of the Fourth International on the imperialist war and the
proletarian revolution. [New York, Socialist Workers Party, 1940].
436. Fox, Frank W.
Madison Avenue goes to war : the strange military career of American
advertising, 1941-45 / Frank W. Fox. Provo, Utah : Brigham Young
University Press, c1975.
Series title: Charles E. Merrill monograph series in the humanities and
social sciences v. 4, no. 1.
France falls, May-June 1940 / Thames colour production. New York, N.Y. :
HBO Video ; London : Thames Television [1980?].
1 videocassette (52 min.) : sd., col. with b&w sequences ; 1/2 in.
Series title: World at war 3.
438. La France libre (review)
La guerre des cinq continents, par le critique militaire de la revue La
France libre. Avec une preface de "Strategicus" [pseud.]. Ed. francaise.
Londres, H. Hamilton [1943].
439. Francis-Williams, Edward Francis Williams, Baron, 1903-1970.
War by revolution, by Francis Williams. London, G. Routledge & sons,
ltd. , [1940].
440. Francis-Williams, Edward Francis Williams, Baron, 1903-1970.
War by revolution, by Francis Williams. New York, The Viking Press,
441. Frank, Benis M.
Victory and occupation, by Benis M. Frank [and] Henry I. Shaw, Jr.
[Washington] Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine
Corps; [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1968 [i.e.
Series title: United States. Marine Corps. History of U.S. Marine Corps
opeartions in World War II, v.5.
[Freedom Rally at Madison Square Garden, New York, N.Y. Hearst vault
material, HVMc1417r1, 39933]. [1941-05-07].
443. Freund, Michael, 1902-1972.
Der zweite Weltkrieg / Michael Freund. Gutersloh : Bertelsmann, 1962.
Series title: Bucherei "Bildung und Wissen".
444. From Weimar to Hitler / [edited by Hans Mommsen ; translated by Peter
Green]. Munchen : Goethe-Institut, 1981.
Fuhrman, Edward.
The status of defensively armed merchant ships / Edward Fuhrman. 1940.
446. Fujiwara, Akira, 1922-
Taiheiyo Senso / [chosakusha Fujiwara Akira]. Tokyo : Shueisha, Showa
55 [1980].
Series title: Zusetsu Showa no rekishi ; 7.
447. Fuller, J. F. C. (John Frederick Charles), 1878-1966.
Machine warfare; an enquiry into the influences of mechanics on the art
of war,. London, New York [etc.] Hutchinson & co., ltd. [1942].
448. Fuller, J. F. C. (John Frederick Charles), 1878-1966.
Machine warfare; an inquiry into the influence of mechanics on the art
of war, by Major General J. F. C. Fuller. Washington, The Infantry
journal [1943].
449. Fuller, J. F. C. (John Frederick Charles), 1878-1966.
The Second World War, 1939-45, a strategical and tactical history.
London, Eyre and Spottiswoode [1948].
450. Fuller, J. F. C. (John Frederick Charles), 1878-1966.
The Second World War, 1939-1945; a strategical and tactical history.
New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce [1949].
451. Funk, Arthur Layton, 1914-
The politics of TORCH; the Allied landings and the Algiers Putsch, 1942.
Lawrence, University Press of Kansas [1974].
452. Fyvel, T. R. (Tosco R.), 1907-
The malady and the vision; an analysis of political faith, by T. R.
Fyvel [pseud.]. London, Secker and Warburg, 1940.
453. Fyvel, T. R. (Tosco R.), 1907-
The malady and the vision; an analysis of political faith, by T. R.
Fyvel [pseud.]. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1941.
454. Gadagila, Pa. Va., 1899-1987.
Kongress ani Mahayuddha / Pa. Va. Gadagila. Mumbai : Adhikara
Prakasana, [1943].
Series title: SAMP early 20th-century Indian books project ; 28756.
455. Gagnon, Jean Louis.
Vent du large. Montreal, L. Parizeau & compagnie, 1944.
456. Galinsoga, Luis de.
Del Bidasoa al Danubio bajo el pabellon del reich. Madrid : Ediciones
Espana, 1940.
457. Gallarati Scotti, Lodovico.
L'internamento di navi da guerra italiane nella Spagna neutrale. Pref.
di Giorgio Balladore Palliere. Milano, A. Giuffre, 1948.
458. Galtier-Boissiere, Jean, 1888-
Histoire de la guerre, 1939-1945, par Jean Galtier-Boissiere avec la
collaboration de Charles Alexandre. [Paris] Crapouillot [1948-49].
459. Galtier-Boissiere, Jean, 1888-
Histoire de la guerre, 1939-1945 [par] Jean Galtier-Boissiere avec la
collaboration de Charles Alexandre. [Paris] Editions de la Jeune Parque,
460. Garratt, Geoffrey Theodore, 1888-1942.
What has happened to Europe! By Geoffrey T. Garratt ... "First
edition.". Indianapolis New York, The Bobbs-Merrill company [c1940].
461. Garriga, Ramon.
Las relaciones secretas entre Franco y Hitler. [Buenos Aires] J.
Alvarez [1965].
462. Garrigus, Charles B. (Charles Byford), 1914-
Oral history interview with Charles B. Garrigus II / By Carlos Vasquez.
463. Garsia, Clive, 1881-
Planning the war, by Lieut-Colonel Clive Garsia. Foreword by
Dield-Marshal Lord Milne. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Eng., New York,
Penguin books limited [1941].
464. De Gaulle and Ireland / edited by Pierre Joannon. Dublin, Ireland :
Institute of Public Administration, 1991.
465. Gaulle, Charles de, 1890-1970.
Appels et discours du general de Gaulle, 1940-1944. 3. ed. [Paris,
ARTRA] 1944.
Series title: Pages d'histoire.
466. Gaulle, Charles de, 1890-1970.
Discours aux Francais. [Paris] Office Francais d'Edition [1944-45].
Series title: Cahier de l'Office Francais d'Edition. No. 90-91.
467. Gaulle, Charles de, 1890-1970.
La France n'a pas perdu la guerre; discours et messages. Preface de
Philippe Barres; introduction par Richard de Rochemont. New York, Didier
468. Geheime Kommandosache; hinter den Kulissen des Zweiten Weltkrieges. [2.
geanderte Aufl.]. Verlag das Beste [1969].
469. Gelb, Norman.
Ike and Monty : generals at war / Norman Gelb. 1st ed. New York : W.
Morrow, 1994.
470. Gelb, Norman.
Ike and Monty : generals at war / Norman Gelb. London : Constable,
471. Gelber, Lionel Morris, 1907-
Peace by power; the plain man's guide to the key issue of the war and of
the post-war world, by Lionel Gelber. London, New York, Oxford university
press, 1942.
472. Gelber, Lionel Morris, 1907-
War for power, and power for freedom, by Lionel Gelber and Robert K.
Gooch. New York, Toronto, Farrar & Rinehart [c1940].
Series title: America in a world at war ; no.2.
General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, the life and legend of the old
soldier.. MGM Records E 4245. [1964].
1 disc. 33 1/3 rpm. mono. 12 in.
474. German order of battle, 1944 : the regiments, formations and units of the
German ground forces / introd. by Ian V. Hogg ; photographic section by
Brian L. Davis. London : Arms & Armour Press ; New York : Hippocrene
Books, c1975.
475. German order of battle, 1944: the regiments, formations and units of the
German ground forces / introduction by Ian V. Hogg; photographic section,
Brian L. David. London, Arms & Armour Press; New York, Hippocrene Books
476. Gersdorff, Ursula von.
Frauen im Kriegsdienst 1914-1945. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt,
Series title: Beitrage zur Militar- und Kriegsgeschichte ; Bd. 11.
477. Gervasi, Frank Herny, 1906-
War has seven faces. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & co., inc.,
478. Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkrieges 1939-1945 : in 12 Bd. / [Hrsg. von,
Inst. fur Militargeschichte d. Ministeriums fur Verteidigung. UdSSR ... et
al.] ; Hauptredaktionskomm., A. A. Gretschko ... [et... 1. Aufl. Berlin
: Militarverlag der DDR, 1975-1984.
479. Gibson, Walter, 1914-
The boat; illustrated by John Groth. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1953
480. Gilbert, Martin, 1936-
Second World War / Martin Gilbert. London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
481. Gilbert, Martin, 1936-
The Second World War : a complete history / Martin Gilbert. 1st
American ed. New York : H. Holt, c1989.
482. Der Globale Krieg : die Ausweitung zum Weltkrieg und der Wechsel der
Initiative 1941-1943 / von Horst Boog ... [et al.]. Stuttgart : Deutsche
Verlags-Anstalt, 1990.
Series title: Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg ; Bd. 6.
483. Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945.
Het bronzen hart. Vertaald door Steven Barends. Amsterdam, Volksche
uitgeverij Westland, 1944.
484. Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945.
Das eherne Herz, Reden und Aufsatze aus den Jahren 1941/42 von Joseph
Goebbels. [Hrsg. von M. A. von Schirmeister]. Munchen, F. Eher [1943].
485. Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945.
Jaren zonder weerga. Vertaald door Steven Barends. Amsterdam,
Uitgeverij Westland, 1943.
486. Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945.
[Selected speeches]. [1937?-1943].
487. Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945.
[Selected speeches]. [1937?-1943].
Series title: Spanish Civil War collection (Series) ; reel 5, item 188.
488. Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945.
Der steile Aufstieg; reden und Aufsatze aus den Jahren 1942/43, von
Joseph Goebbels. Munchen, F. Ehre Nachf. [1944].
489. Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945.
Die Zeit ohne Beispiel; Reden und Aufsatze aus den Jahren 1939/40/41.
Munchen, Zentralverlag der NSDAP, F. Eher Nachf., 1941.
490. Goes, Albrecht, 1908-
Der dreifache Ja; Rede zum Volkstrauertag gehalten beim Staatsakt der
Hessischen Landesregierung in Wiesbaden 13. November 1955. [Frankfurt am
Main] S. Fischer [1956].
Goldberg, Rube, 1883-1970.
Rube Goldberg papers, [ca. 1903-1960].
4 boxes, 3 cartons, 8 v. and 1 oversize folder.
Selected items : 1 microfilm reel : negative (Rich. 489:19) and
Picture index (about 200 cards) : 1 reel : negative (Rich. 816:10) and
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
492. Gomez, Carlos.
Consideraciones sobre la guerra y la postguerra. [Managua, Nicaragua]
Tip. Progreso, 1944.
493. Gorlitz, Walter, 1913-
Der Zweite Weltkrieg, 1939-1945. Stuttgart, Steingruben-Verlag,
494. Gosset, Pierre.
Pourquoi le sang a coule sur nos plages? / Pierre et Renee Gosset.
Paris : Realites litteraires, 1948.
Series title: French drama, 1972 group. (1 fiche.)
495. Gottschick, Johann.
Psychiatrie der Kriegsgefangenschaft, dargestellt auf Grund von
Beobachtungen in dem USA an deutschen Kriegsgefangenen aus dem letzten
Weltkrieg. Stuttgart, G. Fischer, 1963.
496. Grabowski, Z. A. (Zbigniew Anthony), 1903-
After Hitler, by Axel Heyst. London, Minerva publishing [1940].
497. Graduate School, USDA.
[War issues and postwar adjustment. no. 1-2]. Washington, The Graduate
School, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1942.
498. Graff, Stewart.
The story of World War II / by Stewart Graff. 1st ed. New York :
Dutton, c1978.
499. Gramling, Oliver.
Free men are fighting; the story of world war II, by Oliver Gramling and
Associated press correspondents around the world. New York, Toronto,
Farrar and Rinehart, inc. [1942].
Grawe, Joachim.
Einwirkungen der Friedensvertrage nach dem ersten und zweiten Weltkrieg
in die Verfassungsordnung der besiegten Staaten / vorgelegt von Joachim
Grawe. [Heidelberg? : s.n.], 1963.
501. Great Britain. Admiralty.
The Royal Marines; the Admiralty account of their achievement,
1939-1943. Prepared for the Admiralty by the Ministry of Information.
London, H. M. Stationery off., 1944.
502. Greenfield, Kent Roberts, 1893-1967.
American strategy in World War II: a reconsideration. Baltimore, Johns
Hopkins Press [c1963].
503. Greenfield, Kent Roberts, 1893-1967.
American strategy in World War II : a reconsideration. Baltimore :
Johns Hopkins Press, [1967, c1963].
504. Greenwood, Arthur, 1880-
Why we fight; labour's case, by Arthur Greenwood. London, Routledge
505. Greenwood, Douglas C.
Chamberlain--count us out! Plain talk about the war from an Englishman.
[Hollywood, Calif., Hollywood Peace Forum, 1940].
Series title: Hollywood Peace Forum publication no. 1.
506. Greet, William Cabell, 1901-1972.
War words; recommended pronunciations. New York; Pub. for the Columbia
Broadcasting System by Columbia University Press, 1943.
507. Griffin, Robert A. (Robert Allen)
School of the citizen soldier, adapted from the educational program of
the Second Army, Lieutenant General Ben Lear, commanding; editor, Robert
A. Griffin ... assistant editor, Ronald M. Shaw ... Civilian defense ed.
. New York, London, D. Appleton-Century Company, Incorporated [1942].
508. Gruchmann, Lothar.
Der Zweite Weltkrieg. Kriegfuhrung und Politik. (Munchen) Deutscher
Taschenbuch Verlag (1967).
Series title: DTV-Weltgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts Bd. 10.
Series title: DVT-Taschenbucher 4010.
509. Gruenberg, Sidonie Matsner, 1881-
The family in a world at war, edited by Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg.
Third edition. New York, London, Harper [1942].
Grunsky family.
Grunsky family papers, 1830-1960.
3 boxes, 4 cartons, 1 oversize folder.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
511. Guell, Juan Antonio Guell y Lopez del Pielago, conde de, 1875-
Journal d'un expatrie catalan, 1936-1945; preface d'Armand Lunel.
Monaco, Editions du Rocher, 1946.
Series title: Monde d'aujord'hui.
Guerlac, Henry.
The history of radar in World War II.
1 microfilm reel : negative (Rich. 679:7) and positive.
Series title: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720-6000.
513. La Guerra; vista de Parigi e Londra. Documentazi ne. Roma, V. Ferri,
514. Guerriero, Augusto.
Guerra e dopoguerra, saggi politici, I- serie. [Milano] Bompiani, 1943-
Series title: Libri Scelti 69.
515. Guins, George Constantine, 1887-1971.
Quo vadis Europa? : Evropeiskaia katastrofa / G.K. Gins. Kharbin : Izd.
Tov-va "Zaria", 1941.
516. Gunterman, Emma H., 1915-
Oral History interview with Emma H. Gunterman : lobbyist and advocate
for consumers, children and seniors, 1967-1986; December 1 and 8, 1989,
January 12, 1990, March 6, 20, and 29, 1990, Sacramento and... [1994].
517. Gwaltney, Leslie Lee, 1876-1955.
The world's greatest decade : the times and the Baptists / L.L.
Gwaltney. [Birmingham, Ala. : Baptist Book Store], c1947.