FOSS : Artillery of the world (fülszöveg)
This new edition of ARTILLERY OF THE WORLD has been completely revised and updated to cover developments in the field of towed artillery and fire control equipment which have occurred since the first edition was published in 1974. New weapons catalogued in detail include the Swedish 155mm FH77, the German/British/Italian 155mm FH70, and the American XM204 105mm and XM 198 155mm howitzers.
The expanded section on fire control systems includes new entries on laser range-finders, ballistic computers, the latest developments in artillery blindfire radars, and the new American cannon-launched guided projectiles (CLGPs) which have resulted in a breakthrough in artillery accuracy. In addition, the scope of the book has been extended to include full details of Israeli and Spanish mortars as well as Swiss guns and mortars.
Full data are provided in each entry: calibre: weight, range of gun, where possible a brief history, a list of countries where the weapon is currently used. The information and many of the photographs were supplied by manufacturers and governments all over the world.